walter wang

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since Jun 02, 2001
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Recent posts by walter wang

is it possible to detect a CDI manged bean's scope at runtime?

any hints will be more than welcome!

here is the answear

Another wrinkle here is that typically, with xsd validation in java libraries, if your XML files specifies a particular schemaLocation url in an XML file, like xsi:schemaLocation="http://somewhere/something.xsd" typically within one of your dependency jars it will contain that same xsd file, in its resources, and it has a "mapping" option in the jar saying to treat that xsd file as if it maps to the url http://somewhere/something.xsd (so you never end up going to web and downloading the file, it just exists locally).
like below , the xsd file are located on interent , then how can Java XML parser load them from the internet correctly, even the computer is offline.


more information (read) you could find it from
Thanks for the explaining!
10 years ago

in this website

it sent request to html instead ? how could it work? i thought you could only send format to jsp, asp, php, or etc
could somebody example to me? could html page also process form request?

<FORM class=cl action=/de/toolbar/suchergebnisse.html><INPUT name=_charset_ type=hidden value=UTF-8>

10 years ago
here is the answear

in some server , only import Root CA certificate is enough.
in some server , need to import Root CA and client certificate (entire certificate chain)
10 years ago
Hey Thanks alot for your reply.

should the client certificate also be imported into server's trust store?

someone told me only importing root certficate into server's trust store is enough.
10 years ago
For two way SSL, client's certificate should be imported into server's trust store.
my question is : Should client's root certificate also be imported into server's trust store?

PS: client's certificate is issued/signed by another certificate (Root certificate)

Any hints will be more than welcome!
10 years ago
here in my XML file, it defines some name spaces , and schema referred by name space, those schema file, as you can see, are located on internet.
my program XML parser works fine and able to parse those xml element defined in those schema files even without access to internet,

my question is, how can XML parser find those schema files from internet even without access to internet ?

Any hints will be more than welcome!

only http get for serverside wsdl is blocked. post still works , but i have this wsdl file at soap client before hand already.
what i did is just use this local wsdl file, but replace soap address with real server address. I want to replace the soap address (dummy address) in local wsdl
with real soap address on the fly(at run time)

10 years ago

At Server side the http get is blocked for wsdl, in this case, Is there a good way to make soap client call?

Any hints will be more than welcome!

10 years ago
Thanks I think your suggestion is the solution.
There is no why to make generated stub client code using throws
10 years ago
In my web service method. if it declares throws any standard java checked Exception (or any exception from java API , for example
then in generated client code by wsimport or wsdl2java, it will generatel IOException_Exception instead of IOException. which is not what I want or client side expected
Any ideas to solve this problem?
I know how to throw custom defined exception by reading this link

10 years ago
Jaikiran Pai, thanks for the hints "mvn dependency:tree "
looks like it will automatically download the latest version if version is not defined in camel-core, i guess other lib for example camel-jaxb is based on camel-version variable defined in camel-core.



11 years ago
below is example from camel in action code, there is no defination for ${camel-version} and version in dependency, but maven compile and install still work
the question is which version will be downloaded by Maven ?

parent pom is like below
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">



<name>Camel in Action :: Chapter 3</name>


11 years ago