M K Rayapudi

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since Feb 19, 2007
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Recent posts by M K Rayapudi

Thank you Tim !

Found the required plugin at the link: https://visualvm.github.io/pluginscenters.html
7 years ago
Hi All,

Can someone give me link to download Mbeans plugin (Java Visual VM)

https://visualvm.java.net/pluginscenters.html   is not working

Thank you,
7 years ago
Happy New Year 2017  
8 years ago

Tim Holloway wrote:I think you have to send the html document as an attachment. It needs to be MIME-encoded and the body of email was originally defined to be plain text.

Thanks a lot Tim & Adam
Tim, The approach you said is working, I mean html document as an attachment, plain text in body.

9 years ago

I am using mailx utility to send email that have HTML tags, but the mail received is not rendering, instead it is showing HTML tags.

Can someone please help.

below is the content of file:
<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8"></head>






Thank you
9 years ago
Hi John,


It seems to be you covered everything in the book (from ABOUT THE BOOK: advice to developers on important "soft" subjects like career and productivity, personal finance and investing, and even fitness and relationships)

Can you please answer my question below (Are these covered in the book ?)
For a S/W Developer, what is the right age for
1. Marriage
2. Retirement

Murali Krishna
10 years ago
Hi Friends,

How to simulate BlackBerry commands/options from BlackBerry App (java code)
similar to the following java code in BlackBerry instead of "notepad.exe" I want to execute Options -> Security -> Security Wipe from BlackBerry App.
I want to implement similar to WIPE option in the BuddyGuard App

As it is urgent, I have asked the same question at BlackBerry Support Formus

Thank you in advance.

12 years ago

How can I run the method (doSomeProcess) as a thread?
please help
resolved, got the solution.

FYI, the jar (android-assembly-2.4-jar-with-dependencies.jar) version caused the error.
its working fine with the latest jar.
13 years ago


I have created a web service client to consume a dotNet web service, it's working fine with SOAP 1.1
But, not working with SOAP 1.2
It is showing the below error message:

Please help
13 years ago
Hi Co-JavaRanchers,

Please help me out in understanding the parameters to a POST request to a web service.

In my assignment , a requirement is as follows:

From the above requirement I have understood first 2 required fields, but unable to understand the optional parameter i.e. image.
What should I need to send about the image?

Please help
13 years ago

Johannes Fahrenkrug wrote:Hi Adrian,

no, you can't use Java to develop iOS applications. The book we're promoting here would be a great way for you to start
This might also be an interesting read for you: http://www.jeviathon.com/2011/01/why-i-prefer-ios-development-over.html

Apple's "Your first iOS application" might be a good start, too: http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/iphone/conceptual/iPhone101/Articles/00_Introduction.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40007514-CH1-SW1

Or the Stanford courses: http://www.stanford.edu/class/cs193p/cgi-bin/drupal/


- Johannes

thank you for the resources
13 years ago
kunu patil:
Peter Johnson:
J.C. Bustamante:
thank you one and all for the response,

I will go through the links suggested

14 years ago
Thank you Ivan Krizsan for the response
14 years ago