Amit D. Bhave

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since Feb 20, 2007
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Recent posts by Amit D. Bhave

Hi all,

I passed the SCJP 5.0 last month with a score of 79%.

prepared for 2 weeks.But looking at my comparetively average score ,i would suggest other aspirants to study for at least 4 weeks

I used "K & B" book.I must say that first time ever i enjoyed reading a book.It's really an amazing book.The funny quotes written in paranthesis would make me laugh.Every now and then my dad would see that and ask "Do you still hide comics inside a study book to pretend studying like you used to do in your school days"

It makes you realise that even studying be fun !!

All those who are thinking of the exam...just go for this book !!

Hey Bert, Bio Diesel do you and Kathy !!
[ March 02, 2007: Message edited by: Amit D. Bave ]
17 years ago
Hi all.

I am a new member of this wonderfull comunity.

I recently passed my SCJP exam with 79% (don't know whether it's good score or a bad one )

And i am currently preparing for scwcd.

I have gone through this forum to find out whether there will be upgradation of SCWCD.I found couple of topics related to that.But still i've got couple of questions unanswered.

Since i opted for scjp 5.0 version, shall i wait for the SCWCD exam to come up with 5.0 version? and anybody having any idea how much time it will take, if at all they come up with upgraded version?

Does it sound odd if i go for scjp 5.0 but SCWCD 1.4? Or it doesn't make any difference at all?

can sombody please answer my queries?