When you speak of web design do you mean flash, graphics, text, images, and the layout or a combo of that and xhtml, html, search engine optimization,and so on or do you mean java, jsp, asp, perl, javascript, jdbc, and so on.
There are many web designers who are more graphic artists and then there are those called web designers when they really are web developers and programmers.
It really depends on what you are referring to. JDeveloper, Eclipse, NetBean are all great tools to use for programming. They aren't used for graphic or flash type of work.
So it really depends on what you mean by the term web designer. I'm assuming since your on a java programming forum, you mean web developer. But I could be wrong.
JDeveloper is a great tool. I've used it in the past and it seems to have a lot more built in features and "auto-code" type of wizards on topo of the latest and greatest oracle connections that eclipse or net beans normally don't have. But I've used eclipse for quite some time now(3.2 now) because it has many open source add ons that sometimes aren't available for Jdeveloper or don't work as well. And at times JDeveloper seems to make things a lot more complex if all you want to do is write a simple text file. I like eclipse, I liked JDeveloper. I really haven't used NetBeans all that much, so i can't give my opinion there. I also use TextPad a lot. A simple notepad type of application for compiling and writing code.
It really is up to you. Whatever you like and feel comfortable with, use it and learn it.
If you are referring to Web Design, there are tons of things out there like a Flash, like Dreamweaver, like frontpage, like textpad. Plus photoshop, there was imageready a few years back, IPhoto and so on. It really depends on what you like and don't like and your budget. But i use graphic type of software off and on, I'm by no means an expert on using any of them.
[ April 18, 2007: Message edited by: william gates ]
[ April 18, 2007: Message edited by: william gates ]