Originally posted by ruilin yang:
Congradulations for passing the test.
How long does it take you to prepare ? Did you tried a lots mock examines ?
Best luck for the further tests.
Originally posted by Rasika Chitnis:
I downloaded my assignment just yesterday and now analysing the requirements. I have following doubts :
- in the instructions I got from SUN, they very specifically mention that the solution must have been tested and shown to work under a production (not development) version of Sun's Java 2 platform. What does this exactly mean ?
- Do I have to download the latest JDK. I have JDK 1.2
A) It means you should not use any Beta version of JDK, have to use only release versions - you can use either 1.2 or 1.3 version of JDK.
- Does it make any difference if I develop and test my solution on Windows NT or Unix ?
A) Development on a specific OS is not an issue, use which ever is most covenant for you. But it is always suggested that, you should test your application on all (eg Windows, UNIX, LINUX platform. (- in my case I have developed and tested my APP on WIN2K, I don�t have access to UNIX, so I did not bothered testing on UNIX or on LINUX)
- Do I need to implement search based on all (there are 9 of them) fields in the database ?
A) Use generalized searching algorithms, if you search in this group, you can find most answers for you questions
- Why even I need add and delete method in the 'Data' class ? User is never going to add or delete a record ?
- How do I test remote client ? actually executing my program from another machine or simulate two VM's in same machine ?
A) I have simulated two VM on the same machine.
I would very much appreciate your reply and thanks in advance.
Originally posted by Rick Fortier:
[b]Local mode my lock design uses thread as identity of the owner on the locked record.
Why was locking necessary in local mode?
A) If two threads are trying to book a seats, if it is not locked, possibility of inconsistent data in the data store. This is a requirement in Suns' FBN exam
I used RMI. My remote lock design uses Client host name as the Identity of the owner on the locked record.
Is host name a unique value, and how did you get it?
A) Host name is always unique in a domain. you can obtain the client host name using getClientHost()(in RemoteServer class)
Documentation (maximum = 20): 13
Why do you think this was so low? What did you do?
A) I really don�t know what went wrong. I provided ReadMe files for client and server what describes exact command line information for Unix and Windows, OS, JDK version, complete list of packages and files in that package (.txt), Design choice documents for both client and server (MS word) and API User documents for Server and User document for Client application.
Originally posted by Madhu Juneja:
1) Security
Read Java 2 Network Security. It can also be downloaded.
2) Internalization
Read the Sun's java tutorial on i18n. Also John Wetherbie's notes from this forum.
3) Messaging
Agains Sun's JMS tutorial. And also Oreilly's JMS.
4) Legacy Connectivity
Read Java Certification Guide by Jamie Jawarski. Also John Wetherbie's notes from this forum.