S Shehab

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since Mar 05, 2007
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Recent posts by S Shehab

I deployed jforum2  on GlassFish4 I tried to change the language from the to any other language rather English but nothing happens, also I made sure that all correct in , is there something I'm missing?
5 years ago
HI ,

i just installed Grails 3.2.9 here is the output of grails -version

tried to make New Grails project from Eclipse Luna 4.4.2 but this error occurred

and when i tried to run create-app from the command line got the below error:

any ideas what caused these errors.

7 years ago

Paul Clapham wrote:And when you use that properties file, are you ensuring that your code reads it as UTF-8? I ask because the methods in the java.util.Properties class assume that the file is encoded in ISO-8859-1, with Unicode escapes being used for characters which aren't in the Latin character set. Have a look at the API documentation for Properties for more detail.

Hi ,
Actually i'm not writing any code here what i want to achieve is to make the Jforum interface Arabic , that's all.
7 years ago

Tim Moores wrote:

the Arabic file ar_AR.properties was placed in config-->languages folder.

That doesn't answer the question which encoding the file is in.

7 years ago

Tim Moores wrote:Just to ask the obvious: which encoding is the ar_AR.properties file in? (I'm assuming that you do have a font installed that has Arabic characters.)

Also, you might try asking in the forums where the JForum developers hang out at http://jforum.andowson.com/forums/

Hi ,
the Arabic file ar_AR.properties was placed in config-->languages folder. i think i have all the needed Arabic fonts because i can read and write Arabic on notepad or office.
7 years ago
Hi ,
i'm trying to change the Jforum to Arabic , so i added ar_AR.properties file to config-->languages , and added it to locale.properties file , also added to the Glassfish JVM options

, but i'm getting the Arabic as trash as in the below screenshots ,  any solutions for this ?
7 years ago
Hi ,
i'm trying to change the Jforum to Arabic , so i added ar_AR.properties file to config-->languages , and added it to locale.properties file , also added to the Glassfish JVM options
, but i'm getting the Arabic as trash as in the below screenshots ,  any solutions for this ?

8 years ago
Hi all ,

I'm new to Jforum , I want allowing only forum members to view the forum content, how I can achieve this , I'm using Jforum 2.1.9

8 years ago
Hi , Does Jforum support Arabic language , i need to change the UI to be in Arabic language , how this could be done ?

9 years ago
Hi all ,

i'm using Grails 2.5.1 on Windows 7 64 bit , After generating the controllers and the views using Grails command When i add any new lines in my controllers i get the below error :

here is my controller :

Any advice to solve this error ?

9 years ago

Jaikiran Pai wrote:

Sherif Shehab wrote:Thanks , but i want to know what is the root cause for this problem ?

I already explained the potential problem in one of my previous posts in this very thread.

is this the only reason ?

Jaikiran Pai wrote:It usually depends on the DB admin policies. You'll have to check with whoever manages your DB server.

i checked with them they told me the timeout is 10 mins , so do you think i should make it less than that in the pool ?

Jaikiran Pai wrote:The idle timeout configuration in that screenshot looks suspicious. If you let the connection stay idle in the pool for a long time then the DB side of the connection can be terminated (the DB admins usually set a connection timeout). When the pool then hands out such an idle (and terminated connection) you can run into exceptions like these.

Make sure you set some reasonable value for idle timeout for the pooled connections.

what is the recommended timeout value , or this depends on the DB server ?

Jaikiran Pai wrote:What does your application's connection handling code look like? If you are using datasource(s) what does the configuration look like?

this the code for getting a connection fomr the pool

after using the connection i close it :

find attached the pool configurations