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Barry Brashear
Ranch Hand
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since Jun 05, 2001
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Recent posts by Barry Brashear
Question about Abstract classes...
Can you have a class that is inherited from another class and the descendant
class be abstract and the parent is not?
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16 years ago
Java in General
Question on Proxy pattern..
Could someone tell what a proxy pattern is used for? I know a proxy
object represents another object.
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16 years ago
OO, Patterns, UML and Refactoring
What is Grails?
Could someone tell me what Grails is? Is there a forum here for it?
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16 years ago
Java position or contract wanted!
I am a Java certified developer with over 7 years experience. I also have a
certification in web components. I would like a contract in the Dallas, TX
area. Or, preferably a telecommuting position or contract. I can provide a resume if needed.
Barry Brashear
[email protected]
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16 years ago
Jobs Wanted
Java Monopoly game design..
Thanks. I guess that would include board, player, property, hotel, house, etc.
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16 years ago
Java in General
Java Monopoly game design..
Yes, my question was about class design not code.
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16 years ago
Java in General
Java Monopoly game design..
Does anyone know how to go about designing a monopoly game for Java?
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16 years ago
Java in General
Differences between JAX-RPC and JAX-WS.
Could someone explain the differences between JAX-RPC and JAX-WS? Our group built a web service last year but I'm not sure which it is.
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16 years ago
Web Services
Difference between Webservices and EJBs
Could someone explain the difference between a webservice and an EJB application? Can they be the same thing?
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16 years ago
Web Services
Looking for a WFH Java position...
I have over 23 years development experience with 7 years in Java. I am SCJP and SCWCD certified. I would like to explore a work from home opportunity.
Please let me know where I can send my resume.
[email protected]
Barry Brashear
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16 years ago
Jobs Wanted
Masking credit card numbers...
No, it is a server application that write the credit card number to a log
file on the server. We need to mask this number before writing it.
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17 years ago
Java in General
Masking credit card numbers...
No, it is a server application that write the credit card number to a log
file on the server. We need to mask this number before writing it.
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17 years ago
Java in General
Masking credit card numbers...
Is there a class to use to mask credit card numbers? Preferrably, all but
the last 4 numbers
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17 years ago
Java in General
Which jre to use?
I have code like (HashMap<String, variable>
that I am getting compile
error on. What jre should I use for this?
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17 years ago
Beginning Java
Implementing business rules in java...
If you put them in a java file, wouldn't need to have a code push if
a particular rule set changed?
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17 years ago
Java in General