sravanthi pulukuri

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since Mar 15, 2007
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Recent posts by sravanthi pulukuri

For exam shpuld we have to read API??
there is a question asnking about the corerct forward paging.

one among the ans is

couldnt understand the above answer

what is meant by
HTTPs client Authentication??

never heard of it

2:Which of the following tags can be used to denote that authentication constraint should be applciable for a particular domian in web application?

answer is given as realm-name

can any explain the correct usage of it??

thank you so much got it

There was a Question about the Structure of Web-app in Javabeet exam.

1. --myapp
----- lib

2: --myapp


now my doubt is what are the things that can be present in META-INF??

1 and 2 are the right options.

An image file representing a comapny's logo has to be uploaded to server.which of the following htto methods can be used


ans is given as 3. why can it be 2??

Given a path

ContextPath ??
Servlet Path??
Path Info??

please let me know.

Both tags are declared to be non-empty and non-tag dependent in the TLD.

this is what i mean

<my:complexTag />
</my:simpleTag then how come this is true.. complextag should have body rite??>
i would say even servlet Implements SingleThreadModel only instance varables are thread safe not the servlet is it??

Whizlabs exam says
On Application Shutdown listeners arenotified in the reveerseorder of there declaration??

Question from WhizLabs

what is the scope of response implicit object??

answer was given as page..


There was a question in whizlabs asked against threadsafety

if a servlet implements SingleThreadModel is it Thread Safe??

or only Instance Varaibles are threadsafe??

Thanks for the reply.

But complex tags is supposed to be non empty rite??
for answer A it is empty tag is it?

regarding the Question 1:

We use Atrribute tag to define inside the tag file.. any Diff between Variable and attribute declaration?/?

<%@ attribute name=”name” value=”blank”
type=”java.lang.String” %> is not the correct one

we only have
<%@ attribute name=”name” required ='true' ,rtexprvalue =''> is the sytax for that.. ignore typo errors

2nd Question iam not justified with the Answers.
Thanks for your Valueble explanation