Vinod Subramaniyam

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since Mar 19, 2007
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Recent posts by Vinod Subramaniyam

If you have installed Workshop then right click the project and Choose New Server. Enter your weblogic Details, publish your applications from Server you created Earlier. Then Open the Weblogic Admin Console, choose the workshop_auto_generated_ear_ application and start the application. The state of the application changes from Preparing to Active.
This is on Weblogic Server 10.
16 years ago
Hi All,
I have completed SCWCD 5 with 89%. The discussions are good here and those who are attending Exams should try to answer these questions.

These preparation Materials link should be usefull for those are taking exam in future

1) Head First
2) SCWCD Exam Study Kit by Hanumant Deshmukh

1) wcd-guide by Mikalai Zaikin (
2) SCWCD Notes by Frederic Esnault (
3) Notes by Marcus Green(
4) Ken Zrobok SCWCD Notes(

Head First Mock Exam in end of the Book

Cheet Sheets

The SCWCD 1.4 and 5 objective are same. I got only i question relating to Java 1.5

Cheers Wish you all the best of luck for the exam.

Vinod S
[ May 17, 2008: Message edited by: Vinod Subramaniyam ]
16 years ago
If you return EVAL_BODY_BUFFERED the setBodyContent -> doInitBody -> doAfterBody will be called. The Body contents will be evaluated, stored in Buffer and will not be output.
If EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE is returned then body will be evaluated and written to output.

[ May 13, 2008: Message edited by: Vinod Subramaniyam ]

[ May 13, 2008: Message edited by: Vinod Subramaniyam ]
[ May 13, 2008: Message edited by: Vinod Subramaniyam ]
Hi All,
<jsp:getProperty name="person" property="empId"/> does not work. So we can take the statement "the property accesed depends on type" for jsp:getProperty. But as pointed earlier the jsp:setProperty property="*" sets all the Properties eventhough type does not have the property.
<jsp:useBean type="Person" class="Employee">
Hi All,
I have complete SCBCD 1.3 1 year back. I wanted to write the upgrade exam. Can someone tell me whats the difference between CX-310-092 and
CX-310-091 from Syllabus perceptive. Both are of the same cost so whats the difference.

Vinod S
Hi All,
I cleared my Part 2 and 3 with 81%. Here is my scoring

Class Diagram (44 maximum) .............. 36
Component Diagram (44 maximum) ...................... 35
Sequence/Collaboration Diagrams (12 maximum) ........ 10

It was nice preparing for the exam learning new things. The Forum has helped me a lot.

Few mistakes which i did that can be helpfull for others.
1) Was changing names in diagrams continueously even before submitting. Changing is good but be sure after changing you review all the documents and diagrams.
2) I had changed one of component name and forgot to put in assumption document, as it was changed 3 days before submitting.
3) When i was reading for part 3 i found few minor mistakes which was because of changes. This could have been easily avoided if i had a someone to review the document.
4) Have a partner and both should commit to work and complete the Certitification. When you discuss you get more points. Modify each of the design slightly and submit.
I feel this is an important certification where everyone can learn a lot.

Vinod S
17 years ago
Is the HFSJ sufficient for the exam. Please let me know other important materials to be refered and links.

Vinod S.
Hi Ulf,
Something like that but a better version which can visually show the some important points for main topics. We have it for SCBCD exam like

Vinod S
Transfer Object are used for reducing network traffic. They provide the local copy of the Data from the Remote Source. They reduce number of calls made to Remote Source but do not decouple completely from the Remote Source.

Vinod S
If anyone has Cheat Sheet Links for the SCWCD Exam Please pass it on.

Vinod S
Can anyone please explain the Usually implemented column on this page for all the scenario. Iam probably missing something and getting Confused.

1) Why is HttpSessionListener an Attribute Class?

2) Is not the HttpSessionActivationListener implemented by Attribute Class?

3) Is not HttpSessionBindingListener is implemented by Attribute Class?

4) HttpSessionAttributeListener is implemented by Attribute Class.

Thanks in advance for your Help.

Vinod S
Hi All,
Do we need show the framework implementation in Assignment. Is High Level Framework sufficient? Do we need to concentrate how the Property files are loaded or documentation that we'll use these is sufficient.

Thanks and Regards,
Vinod S
Hi John,
Congrads and Wish you all the best.
Hi All,
Do you have to show lolly pop Symbol for Stateless Session Bean, Entity, Message Driven Bean in component Diagram? Iam showing the lolly Pop Symbols only for SubSystems.

Thanks and Regards,
Vinod S
Hi All,
In component Diagram, Sequence do we have show the Customer and Login Related. Because everyone is telling to follow KISS Principle iam thinking whether we need to show the Customer and Login related as well.

Vinod S