It took me a while too -- but I think the original poster thinks that the "&" operator somehow puts two bits together... meaning 1 & 1 ==> 11.
Originally posted by Chandra Kota:
...How could the line # 3 resulted in true? What actually happened here? Did unboxing happened here or autoboxing? Which one would take priority? How to decide which one is going to happen? [banghead]...
i thought String s="abc" is a short cut or alias of
String s=new String("abc") is that correct or not. Now i am getting confused .
Originally posted by Praveen Seluka:
hi Al mamum
But in the example I gave,~ has higher precedance than increment operators,but still it executed last.WHY?
The Java programming language guarantees that every operand of an operator ( except the conditional operators &&, ||, and ? : ) appears to be fully evaluated before any part of the operation itself is performed.
If the binary operator is an integer division / or integer remainder %, then its execution may raise an ArithmeticException, but this exception is thrown only after both operands of the binary operator have been evaluated and only if these evaluations completed normally.
Originally posted by Brandon Bay:
So does it means it always works from left to right, given that there's no parenthesis?
Originally posted by :
...I'm getting the answer is String argument.
Why the Object argument doesn't excute the first, cause Object all for the base class.
What is reason...