Sridhar Santhanakrishnan

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since Mar 20, 2007
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Recent posts by Sridhar Santhanakrishnan

Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'ADDRESS_ID', table 'sample.dbo.Address2'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails

You are trying to insert NULL to ADDRESS_ID and your table definition specifies the column to be not null. Use a proper not-null value.
Can you post the entire stacktrace? It might throw some light on the actual issue. Also check that there are no spaces or carriage returns before the first line.
Off the top of my head, you can probably concatenate the columns into a separate column in the spreadsheet to be something like

update <tablename> set A=$A1, B=$B1...... where Z=$Z1

using excel formulas and then copy the whole column onto your SQL Editor and run it once.
Any reason that you are using guava-r06-site.jar instead of guava-r06.jar? The class is in the jar that I mentioned. So ideally you should be using this jar in your classpath.
13 years ago
Its almost as if Arsenal have become a feeder club for the more fancied (read richer) clubs across EPL. Gunner fans, where do you think Arsenal will end up this season? Top 4? Top 8?
13 years ago
I agree with Maneesh. The intentions are good, but I cannot help but condone how Anna is going with it and the media circus it has become. Its also unfair on Anna's part to use the my-way-or-the-highway policy.

Atleast he's not Baba Ramdev.
13 years ago
I think what the OP means is that once the user logs in again, he should be redirected to the page last being viewed before the session expiry and not the default landing page.

For ex: on JavaRanch, say you are viewing a post and decide to reply. You log in, and once authenticated, JR redirects you to the post that you viewed before.
13 years ago

totalItems = totalItems++;

Change it to just or

Search the forums, there have been questions on why it doesnt work.
13 years ago
Keep the numbers as two int arrays. Traverse the arrays and add the numbers moving the 'carry' to the preceeding index. Finally print the array.

Hope this helps.
13 years ago
Search the forums as well. I think there was a similar post sometime last week.
13 years ago
Welcome to JavaRanch.

Your approach sounds about right. Try coming up with a pseudocode which would detail every step of the program.

then assigning each number to a certain number of *

This would be another 'for' construct within the original 'for'.
13 years ago
ClientBehaviorHolder is JSF2.0, Is your configuration set right? Maybe your server is not able to detect JSF2.0.

In your IDE, have you checked your project facets? They should be set to JSF 2.0.
13 years ago

Mark Guo wrote:HI Bert Bates

I need your general solution, thanks!

Henry Wong wrote:BTW, I did a quick and dirty port of the program to use the BigInteger class. And the result of 64 to the 64th power was ....

Henry has given hints for you to come up with a general solution. Is there something that you are stuck with?
13 years ago

Tim Holloway wrote:They both suffer from having been written by someone whose native language is not English

So true. But like Tim mentioned, stick to the pdf.
13 years ago
Do you watch NCIS? Do you like it?

Anybody fancy Cote Pablo?
13 years ago