Rajeswari Kumar

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since Mar 23, 2007
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Recent posts by Rajeswari Kumar

Yes Yes. Thanku. It didn't strike for me.
This is a question from whizlabs.

class AutoBox2 {
public static void main(String []ar) {
Float F=new Float(9.0);
float f=(float)9.0;
When I am trying to compile the program, following error has come
AutoBox2.java:6: float cannot be dereferenced
1 error
What is called dereferencing. But if it is given as
code compiles fine. Please explain me.
Sorry Barry. I don't know whether it is a brain dump or not. My friend forwarded me a set of questions. I got this question from there. Iam really sorry.
Congrats Megha. Excellent score.
17 years ago
Thanku. Sometimes iam really get confused
One question from javabeat.net

public static <T> void addandDisp(Collection<T> cs, T t)
for (T o : cs)
for (T o : cs)

//call 1
List<? super Object> ls1 = new LinkedList<Object>();
addandDisp(ls1,new String());

//call 2
List<? extends Object> ls2 = new LinkedList<Object>();
addandDisp(ls2,new Object());

//call 3
List<Object> ls3 = new LinkedList<Object>();
addandDisp(ls3,new String());

//call 4
List<? super Object> ls4 = new LinkedList<Object>();
addandDisp(ls4,new Object());

Which call(s) to above method(addandDisp) are error free?

a)only 3

b)only 1 and 3

c)only 1 and 4

d)only 1,2 and 3

e)only 1,3 and 4

Answer e)

(call 2)Method call 2 cannot work,because the compiler cannot gurantee
the type to substitute.But in all other calls it is guranteed.

My doubt is how we can add String in call1.
Congrats Damodar
17 years ago
Congrats Sampath. Can you narrate your experience

17 years ago
Thanks Anil. Now i got it
What is the difference between adding type in reference and object creation

ArrayList sampleList = new ArrayList<Integer>();// type information is added in object creation
ArrayList<Integer> sampleList = new ArrayList(); // type information is added in reference

In upper bound(using super) we can add elements I think
But in lower bound(using extends)it is not so.

Please clarify this

ArrayList sampleList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
ArrayList<Integer> sampleList = new ArrayList();

What is difference between above two statements. Are they type safe.

Can anybody explain the difference between upper bound and lower bound in generics in terms of adding elements and passing/returning values.

Congrats. Thanks for the advice
17 years ago
hi suleman
First of all congratulations for your score.
Did you buy only enthuware. Is it worth buying.
Can you suggest scjp1.5 mock exam links. Iam able to find only scjp1.4

17 years ago