jone wiilum

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since Mar 24, 2007
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Recent posts by jone wiilum

Hi Bear ,
Thanks for your reply.
but I am confused about Hadoop , what is future for this Technology.
If I am java developer what is use of Hadoop for me ?
where is my java knowledge fit in Hadoop Context ?

12 years ago
Hi All,
I am java/j2ee developer and i have 5+ experience in both.
I want to learn hadoop ,hbase,pig . and want to work in this technology
Please suggest me , it is good to learn this technology.
what is future for these technology?
what is use of my java knowledge ,in this technology?
is it good career path?

please help me to take right decisions

12 years ago
Hi all,
what is career future of java with Hadoop developer ?
what is scope of Hadoop and java ?

12 years ago
Hi All,

Set & List interface extend Collection, so Why doesn't Map interface extend Collection?

i did not get any clue please help me

Hi all,
Can anyone please explain
1.what is meaning of Weak Reference and soft reference ?
2.what is weak hash map?

Hi All,
I am using web sphere 6.1 server for testing environment and for locally deployment I am using tomcat server 5.5
For database connection I am using Datasource which is configure in Resource.xml in WAS 6.1,
Here I am facing problem I want this data source or authDataAlias through standalone application .
My WAS 6.1 is running on different server . I want use jndi of that server in standalone application as well as in web application (which is running local machine on Tomcat 5.5 server )

Please help

12 years ago
Hi All.
Please help me to right sub query in Hibernate
i have 2 table

my requirement is that when i apply filter apply on quotes table

select quote_id,Quote_name,Quote_dir from quote q where q.quote_name like 'j%';

i get all quote_id from above query

i need to pass above quote_id to another table (programs)
i need following query in Criteria format

select q.quote_id,q.Quote_name,q.Quote_dir ,p.program_name from quote q,program p where q.quote_name like 'j%'
and p.quote_id in(select quote_id from quote where quote_name like 'j%');

please help me its very very urgent
i hope you all geeks help me


Getting out of memory errors when loading large amounts of data

List orders= session.createCriteria(Order.class).list();

getting out of memory exception when data is more then 10000
how to format Currency in javascript using locale
i had alrady created clustring and load balancing on tomcat 6.0 and it working fine i have 4 tomcat runing but they are same clusteri have to congigure like that 2 in one cluster and 2 in another cluster ,currently my load balncer get any machine ,but i want to pike one machine from one cluster and if one of machine down than LB should pick machine from same cluster not from another how i can do this please help me
16 years ago
i am generating log file for my web application
my application creates one log file which contain all logging info
but i want seprate log file.
logger.error goto diffrent file goto diffrent file

it is possible if yes, how?
please help me this is very importent

i am generating log file for my web application
my application creates one log file which contain all logging info
but i want seprate log file.
logger.error goto diffrent file goto diffrent file

it is possible if yes, how?
please help me this is very importent

i am developing a web application
i have 3 diffrent mysql database
one is local and other 2 are place on a another machine.
my problem is when i try to insert or get data to or from
that 2 databases(which is place on diffrent machine) it will take
lots of time.
some cases i am using PreparedStatement more then one
because of PreparedStatement my performance down?
please help me to inhance performance.
only K&B book for scwcd exam. is sufficient
? after only reading that book i can score good score