asif rafique

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since Mar 25, 2007
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Recent posts by asif rafique

hi all

I am using struts 2.1.6 with jboss as application server and hibernate to interact with database. I have a jsp in my application which displays more than 900 row in a table with 6 column in each row each cell contain input field whit some data

The problem is when i submit the struts form, struts automatically redirect to default Action and do no submit the data. One thing is for sure that data is too large as page take some minutes to load and to submit again.

Is their any setting in struts 2 which restricts data size on submit and redirect to default Action
15 years ago
Hi everyone

i m using Struts 2.1.6 and jboss 5.0.GA in my application every thing is working fine but when i switched to new version of jboss which is 5.1.GA what i found is that server cannot find the struts.xml.
i placed struts.xml in WEB-INF folder
server logged on its console

Cannot locate configuration file struts.xml skipping

Any idea
15 years ago
Hi everyone

i am opening a popup window when a link is clicked what i am doing is

<s:url value="someAction">
<s:param name="id" value="someID"/>
<s:a href"%{someAction}">Link</s:a>

where id is property in my action class with getter and setter i got the value too on which i can get data from database but this is a HTTP GET and parameter is appended at the end of url with value and my problem is i want to hide the parameter any idea is appreciated
thanks in advance

15 years ago
Hi everyone

i am using struts 2 in my project every thing is fine .
when i submit a form struts setter injection call setter of all bean properties and set there values, any text field that is left bland by user on submit it is initialize by empty string What i want a null instead of empty string
any help to submit a null value instead of String will be appreciated
thanks in advance
15 years ago
got your point thanks for your reply
15 years ago
hi i m displaying a collection using a s:iterator tag which works fine

here beanList is an ArrayList containing bean objects with properties name and fname
my problem is when i did this

here i m checking if name property is null then display some message but if condition never return true i can't find what is wrong here
please help me out
15 years ago

Originally posted by John Meyers:

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