G Sri

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since Mar 26, 2007
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Recent posts by G Sri

Yes, agree about submission outside the USA. However, we are not clear about submission within the US.
I had the same question earlier and was waiting for somebody reply to your post. I am thinking of submitting the assignment with the SSN (according to SUN's requirements). Not sure whether that's right but we have to go with the instructions I guess.
I do agree with you that from a usage perspective it makes sense to provide a common interface (Web UI) for both customers and the travel agents. However, IMO, what the SCEA requirement/design is looking for is support for multiple clients (both Web and stand alone). Any comments from the already "SCEAs" ?
I concur with Dinesh. I purchased guides from eplanetlabs. It is basically a repeat of the 288 questions and some other material taken from else where. Sheer waste of money.
I recently cleared part 1 and haven't seen anything that is tied to a specific version. The questions were more generic as pointed out by some folks in earlier posts. So, IMO, I don't think you would answer some questions wrong. However, it is better to go through some study material sepcific to SCEA before taking the exam.
I was thinking that segment in this context was more of a route - for example, Itinerary LA to DC can have two segments for example LA-Denver-DC or LA-Newark-DC. So, customer can choose a different route based on his convenience of the timings. Any thoughts ? of course assuming same cost for both the segments.