I had read that the SCDJWS is the most coveted of Sun's certifications. Hence began.
And now, oh...what a relief!! Never felt like this before on clearing any other certification test. I think it’s to do with all the information that was bombarding my brain and thought that it got my wits out.
To thank, should thank RMH first, MZ next, penultimately the JavaRanchers and myself last for pulling this out. The learning process was very intermittent in my case as I couldn't generated long-term concentration on this. I read during travel or on sparse holidays. Wanted to take some quizzes, but with not much time left for voucher expiry date - did an incomplete session on xyz. The questions were a mixed bag. Few were tough and others straight-forward. Explanations were good. Skipped them after about 40 questions as I began to feel that I was not prepared totally.
And I again thought I'd done enough study to take the exam though. Thought about procrastinating for a while. However, with not much time left, relying on earlier thorough study & instinct, I took the exam on the final day of the voucher date. Cleared it with 81% (56/69). Pleasantly surprised to see 100% on JAXR. Got 100% on Security too thanks to MZ. Having thanked MZ twice here, I would know how indispensable the MZ quiz would be. But I decided against it. I didn't take Whizlabs either. On the final day watched the Kill Bill Vol. 2 DVD out of desperation. Badly entertained by the Pai Mei episode, went to sleep.
Woke up in the morning to fate and visited the exam center only to know that I cleared the exam with flying colours after two and half hours. I only thought I would clear the exam during the review of questions.
Wisdom from me to new aspirants: Don't take the exam easily, but make the exam easy upon yourself.
Reading Material:
1. RMH
2. MZ Study Guide (Security, General Architecture, Endpoint Design & Patterns)
3. My own Notes
Finally people due of my gratitude are Zulfiquer, Xulfi, Bebo & Mazher. I owe them a lot!!!
And for now, how am I going to shed 9 kilos of my weight?