Kevin Weiss

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since Mar 27, 2007
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Recent posts by Kevin Weiss

I believe this is because your host isn't allowed to send mail to (or through) your mail relay server.

Where are you sending the email from, and where are you sending the email to (i.e. which SMTP server)?
15 years ago
We have IIS/Tomcat configured for our environment, and we're using the Tomcat Connector (i.e. Isapi Redirector) to communicate between.

We have it configured and working, but our log file (isapi_redirect.log) just keeps growing.

Does anyone know how to automatically roll or rotate this log file?
15 years ago
Another good site I've referenced in the past...
16 years ago
Hi Patrick,

I don't have the book (or code) currently in front of me, but it just sounds like your package namspace information is incorrect.

In your file, did you import the model package(s)?

import com.example.model.*;
16 years ago
At the moment, just the critical one like those you mentioned.
[ May 03, 2007: Message edited by: Kevin Weisz ]
16 years ago
It would be on the server. We cannot use Javascript in our case.
16 years ago
Hi all,

I need to encode and decode HTML characters within a text String. For example, I need to convert:


...and vice versa. Is there a class or package that handles these conversions?

PS - I'm NOT using the string conversion URLs, so I don't need the classes.
[ May 03, 2007: Message edited by: Kevin Weisz ]
16 years ago