Joe Ess wrote:
I spent way too much time trying to figure out the difference between the example apps and my app. It pretty much boils down to one line in struts.xml:
If the value of this line is "true", the problem occurs. If the value is "false", the problem does not.
It's a pretty trivial change. Give it a try.
Originally posted by Billy Tsai:
I think there is some mistake on the following page
where it states Prerequisites: Passed (CX-310-051/CX-310-300A,CX-310-052)
but isn't CX-310-052 the step 1 of the new SCEA 5?
shouldn't the that be CX-310-061?
Anyway I have successfully registered for Sun Certified Enterprise Architect, Java, EE 5 Upgrade Exam(CX-310-053) too, I know it is probably very similar to step 1 of the beta so does anyone know where I can gather the study materials or information on the preparation for this exams since a lot of people have attempted the beta and passed it.
Thank you
Originally posted by Hafizur Rahman:
It costs $100.
Sun Catalog
Originally posted by Pham Huy Anh:
I did part III on 8Aug, still no result until now. When I mail them, they said somethign wrong with the database and told me to stay with patience. Well, maybe I will ask them again at 8Nov.
Still don't know why some cases are so quick, so case a so slow like me and some other ( up to 4-6 months ).
while waiting for them.