I have a XSLT page which take some value from database.the fields are:
topicid,topicdescription,subtopicid,subtopicdescription.and passed it through the below anchor tab to a function "selectTopic"
<a href="javascript:selectTopic({$topicId},'{$topicDescription/JavaScriptFormat}',{@subtypeid},'{Description/JavaScriptFormat}');">
function selectTopic(aTopicId, aTopicDescription, aSubTopicId, aSubtopicDescription) {
document.AdvancedSearchForm.topicText.value = aTopicDescription;
if (aSubTopicId) {
document.AdvancedSearchForm.subTopicText.value = aSubtopicDescription;
The form gets submit and show the above four values in next page.
The problem is that:when the subtopicdesription field has some special character like "-" then on next page some garbagevalue appears.
IT � ITS Process
IT � Technical
Products & Services
Project Management
English is the "Topic" and rest is the subtopic.When i click (suppose )" IT � Technical".The on next page it shows
Topic: English > Sub-Topic: IT � ITS Process
The above problem does not come in FireFox but occur in InternetExplorer.
Please give me the solution ASAP