Abhishek Iyer

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since Apr 02, 2007
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Recent posts by Abhishek Iyer

Thanks Ulf
17 years ago

can someone please explain the difference between the JVM, JDK, JRE.
need to know which one is the superset and also the hierarchy.

17 years ago
Thanks Awishek and Jesper... one quick thing though... Why would you want to make a thread daemon? What purpose does that serve... If the JVM exits... the daemon thread will alo get killed right?
17 years ago
Okay thanks... but what exactly is a deamon thread?
17 years ago
This was a question someone asked me at an interview.
If hread A initiates Thread B and Thread B in turn initiates Thread C,
what happens to Thread B and C if thread A gets killed

Someone please tell me how i can test this out in code... How do i kill a thread A befor it get's executed completely?
Also, while you are at it... please tell me what a deamon thread exactly means.

17 years ago
Can someone please tell me what the difference between checked and unchecked exceptions really is?
How exactly do i know if the exception is checked or unchecked?
Do i need to know all the exceptions that extend RuntimeException for know this?