Dhriti lanka

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since Apr 02, 2007
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Thanks Amit.

Can you please be more specific.

Do you mean i should make the getEvents() method return a limited result set?

Hi Experts,

I have a situation where i have two entities namely Event and Employee.

The Event entity has a ManyToOne relation with the Employee.

For a given Date, there is a single record of event for an employee.

Now, when i use employee.getEvents() , the list will be enormous .

Say after 5 year will have 5*365 records for an employee.

Is there anyway, i can establish a bounded relationship between employee and event.

I need to load only the records starting from today until the next one month .

When Both Servlet based and EJB based services have access to the MessageContext Object,
Why can't we get the access the HTTPSession object from an EJB based service using:


Can someone throw some light?
14 years ago
Hi ,

I am new to J2ee development.

I have installed weblogic app server 8.1 on my Computer and Eclipse SDK.

How can i integrate both of them.

I want to use Eclipse as IDE and weblogic for deployment.

Somebody help
17 years ago