Ghufran Ul Haq

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since Apr 10, 2007
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Recent posts by Ghufran Ul Haq

I passed SCJP in 2006 from Sun Microsystem.
Is there a way this certication can be online verified?

Please advice


Is there any alternate java technology to Applets, that can be used to build a UI for IE and Firefox users?
Are applets still IN? or have they gone OUT

13 years ago
i have configured tomcat 6.0.18 in my test environment.
i can see that the SEVERE exceptions are going into localhost.2008-10-xx.log file and these exceptions are not being printed in catalina.out file.

Is there a way, i can get these exceptions in catalina.out file too.
I also want to print the output of System.out.println into catalina.out, when my servlet call this System.out.println
Please suggest how it can be done
16 years ago
i have configured tomcat 6.0.18 in my test environment.
i can see that the SEVERE exceptions are going into localhost.2008-10-21.log file and these exceptions are not being printed in catalina.out file.

Is there a way, i can get these exceptions in catalina.out file too.
I also want to print the output of System.out.println into catalina.out, when my servlet call this System.out.println
Please suggest how it can be done
16 years ago
Hi all,

I am using tomcat5 in my production environment.
Can you please tell me what advantages can i get in tomcat 6?
Can you please give me the differences between tomcat 5.1.17 and tomcat 6.x?

16 years ago

I need to invoke a url programatically. Is it possible to pass cookies with the url request? if yes, please give me some code sample

Thank you
PMP stands for Project Management Professional

see the details at

Make a new folder in WEB-INF and name it as jsp.
now place all your jsp files in this new folder
Once you do it, no one will be able to directly access your jsp files through urls.

This is because the container restricts the direct user access to the things placed inside web-inf folder. for example you can not access this url

However you are free to access the objects placed in webinf folder from your servlets and jsps


16 years ago

What is the cost(price) of the certifications IBM 833 and 834?

Can there be a gap of a few weeks between taking the two tests? if yes, how long?


I have already done SCJP, and i don't think scjp will help you a lot for game programming and simulations
Unfortunately i have not much knowledge of your field of interest. so can't suggest you what you should do then


What is the cost of the certifications IBM 833 and 834?

Can there be a gap of a few weeks between taking the two tests? if yes, how long?

I have applied Sysdeo Eclipse Tomcat plugin, and now my life is in peace

I have configured tomcat version 5.5.12 in my eclipse


When the tomcat is running outside eclipse, and you save any change in jsp, you don't need to restart tomcat. When you change any java file and copy the corresponding .class file into a running tomcat (webapps/app-context/WEB-INF/classes/..), you need to restart the tomcat.

While in the development phase, restart of tomcat by the eclipse is understandable for the sake of change in .class file. But for the change in jsp, restart of tomcat by the eclipse is not understandable.

Can someone please tell me how i can tell eclipse that it should not restart tomcat (reload context) when i save changes in jsp or html files.

