chandra reddy

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since Apr 11, 2007
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Recent posts by chandra reddy

Hi folks,

I am wondering some body would help me to come out from my issue.

I written a simple EJB state less session bean application,i did buil by using the weblogic builder,deplyed in weblogic successfully.

But when ever i am running the client i am getting the folloing error (Even though i have putted the corresponding jar in the classpath that is weblogic.jar):
"java.lang.InternalError: error initializing kernel caused by: java.lang.NoClassD

Please help me to resolve issue.

Hi Folks,

Thanks KJ,Vijay & Arulk for your valuable advices.

I forgot mention about my background:1.5 yr experience in j2ee,scjp1.5.

Yesterday i have discussed with some of my friends who are working on those role in that project.They said as below

Analyst- it's more about client interaction, implementation, more of testing stuff, no more development, it's more preparation of doc's and test scenarios.

Developer- it's in Spring framework, little bit ejb stuff.

I have discussed with some of my friends too. My concern is like since i am very begining of my carrier, i don't feel that go far to technical stuff is not that much good. Analyst is more of domain stuff.

So i am more inclined on Developer role.Because i will learn more of technical stuff. But it is yet to approve from management side. I am waiting for that.

What are your comments on my decision?

16 years ago
Hi sasikumar palakkizhi,

I too got the same error,i got resolved, this is version problem only.
We need to use the weblog java compiler,i mean weblogic java. we need to set that first in the path variable(path="C:\bea\jdk141_03\bin").

16 years ago
Thanks Nitesh Kant. I have made necessary changes.
16 years ago
This is chandra.
looking small favor from ranch people.
Presently I am working for ATT Client in Telecom domain, since we don’t have much work
Management is looking to put me into some other project

i.e Telstra-Australia based client
Here I have two opportunities
1) Business Analyst – it’s more about the implementation of proj
2) Developer – it would be in Spring frame work

So please advice me which role is better.

16 years ago
I recommend the Mock suggestion. For the fresher�s it may take more time to get job, I don't think that 6 months is the long period. Again taking decision is depends on your circumstances. Domain switching is not for the money purpose then I recommend you to search some more time for java job.
In case there is no way other that switching domain, I recommend HTML coding is the best, again you can switch to java with in 1 or 2 years. Meanwhile you should be in touch with java (like giving some certification).
All the best
16 years ago
Answer is 0.Because even the objects are assigned to null , still the thread refering those objects.Thread refer those objects untill the end of scope.
Hello Anil,
i understood the split method , example abc5xya6adf9764 suppose we are spliting based on digit then it will split in to abc,xya and adf .so it also doing same it is not considering lost 764 , it consider if any nondigits only.

coming to my doubt am not understanding the the new format of for loop .
import java.util.*;
class SplitTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String[] tokens = args[0].split(args[1]);
System.out.println("count " + tokens.length);
for(String s : tokens)
System.out.println(">" + s + "<");
I am getting compilation error in the for statement .
Could any body explain how this for loop works.
Hello Krishna

Vector takes only Objects not primitive types.