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Pradeep Kumar T

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since Apr 14, 2007
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Recent posts by Pradeep Kumar T


I am using JavaMail API and have a small requirement. I have to restrict my outgoing mails to only to a particular domain. I mean the mails that i send should go successfully only if the domain is " if the users of my application types someother domain like or anything else, the mails shouldn't go. I want to restrict the users to send mails to only our company domain. Is that possible, any method available to set it so?

Please help.

Thanks in advance.

I get the above error, when i upload a file to a remote server(only in the case of remote server), the remote server is BEA WL 8 or 9. I use the FormFile class in org.apache.struts.upload package...
I am not able to find a solution for this.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance
16 years ago
Thank you so much for the helpful link!
16 years ago
I have a web application, in which the content of a textarea is stored in a file on the server, and retrived
later(to display on the web page). The issue here is, when some text from a MS Word doc is copied and pasted on the textarea and if it is stored on file, it gets stored with some special html tags like "<TABLE class=MsoNormalTable "> . So later if i retrieve the content of the file and display it in any <p> tag, the special characters like "(double quotes),-(hyphen).',^,....are not recognized by the browser and gets displayed as "??"...Is there any way to avoid this or any workarounds?

Thanks in advance
16 years ago
I have an app in which I need to communicate some data( an int array ) over a serial port connection. The way I need to do this is first send the first item of data and then wait for an echo from the device connected to the serial port and then send the subsequent items of data.
So each item of data will be sent as a response to an echo received from the device.
The way I am doing this now I have the serial port implement the SerialPortEventListener interface and use the serialevent() method in the interface to listen to serial events of type DATA_AVAILABLE. Once I receive this event, I write an item of data to the serial and then wait for the DATA_AVAILABLE event once again. This works fine sometimes, but a lot of the time the SerialEvent is either not trigerred or is somehow missed and the serialevent() method is simply not called. My program send the first item of data and just stops.
What exactly am I doing worng? The device that I am sending data to is supposed to be echoing back the data within 5ms. Should I have the data sending code operating in a separate thread or do I need to use Thread.sleep() to wait for the serial event to be generated. I have tried all of those things, but they do not seem to work.
Please advice!
Thanks a lot in advance!
17 years ago
Thanks for the reply. I have already closed the stream using the close method, but according to the javadoc it(InputStream's close()) has no implementation.
Is there any other way for this.
Thanks again.
17 years ago
Hi all,
In my application, I am using a font resource(TTF file), which i load using

InputStream in = getClass().getResourceAsStream("ARIALUNI.TTF");
Font font = Font.createFont(Font.TRUE_TYPE,in);

Every time, I use this resource, a temp file named "+~JFxxxx.tmp" is created in the TEMP directory. This happens even when the app is deployed as a jar. Can anyone let me know, if this can be avoided or how to remove these temp files when the program terminates.

Thanks in advance
17 years ago
Hi all,

I have an int array in my program, which i need to send through serial port.. right now, i am sending the data element by element, while listening for the DATA_AVAILABLE event. I send the first element, wait for the DATA_AVAILABLE event and then send the next element. Is this the way it is supposed to be done? Is there a better(faster) way to do this..?

Thanks in advance
I am using a font in my program which may not be available to my users. I need to distribute the ttf file for the font along with my application JAR. Can anyone please advice where I need to place the ttf file within my application directory in order to be able to load it from within my program and also distribute it as part of my JAR. (I am using NetBeans 5.5)
Thanks a lot in advance!

I used the following code as suggested in another forum,
URL url = getClass().getResource("ARIALUNI.ttf");
File f = new File(url.toURI());

But this didnt work either...

No idea of how to do it.....
17 years ago
Hi all,

I have a situation where I need to be able to display foreign characters (asian languages) in a text area in my program.
I have no idea on how to do this.

I need to produce something like this, using java Swing...

Can anyone please advice?
thanks a lot in advance!
17 years ago
I tried the same what you suggested. anyway, thanks for the reply...I will post the question in Swing forum.
17 years ago
Hi all,

I have a situation where I need to be able to display foreign characters (asian languages) in a text area in my program.
I have no idea on how to do this.

I need to produce something like this, using java Swing...

Can anyone please advice?
thanks a lot in advance!
[ May 16, 2007: Message edited by: Pradeep Kumar T ]
17 years ago