Originally posted by Ashik uzzaman:
What r u planning next?
Originally posted by Lala Hardayal Bihari:
Hey Kaushik,
If you keep on passing by mugging everything...
What is the use of it ?
You should have failed instead !
Originally posted by Cherry Sta. Romana:
Let me try
RandomAccessFile writes using bytes..
The first write was written using two bytes,
the next write (for 5) using 4 bytes (because int is 4 bytes)
Now, when you do seek(3), it is a request to position file pointer to the byte after the 3rd byte.
This means that the first byte of the number 3, was skipped, resulting to reading the 2nd, 3rd, 4th bytes of the number 5 and the first byte of the number 30.
In hex, the value that was read was 00 00 05 00 which is 1280 in decimal.////I dint understood this part
I am having a hard time explaining. Anyway, I hope this helps.
Originally posted by tvs sundaram:
Q) If write(0x01234567) is called on an instance of OutputStream what will be written to the destination of stream
A) byte 0x67
Can somebody outline the steps to compute the answer?
Another thing is does exam really test us on such heavy questions ??