If i have the following configuration in my server.xml file. Then i can access my application using this link http://www.myapp.subdomain.com:8080
If i change the following configuration in my server.xml file after server rstart. Then using this link http://www.myapp.subdomain.com nothing is loaded
There is also one folder called ROOT which you can use as the root: http://www.myapp.subdomain.com/.. For this case shall i need to put my myapp under ROOT folder?
Thanks for your quick response. I am new to Tomcat server. If i change appBase to webapps, then how to configure my apps to this URL. Because i have more than one application under webapps directory. Or if i have only one application under webapps,will it work?
Hi All, I have some doubt's regarding component diagram. I have two session beans, each with separate functionality.In 1. Is it possible to give link from one component diagram(controller) to another component diagram(controller). 2. Is it possible to give redirect option from controller in component diagram with true/false. I saw some component diagram it shows just redirect to some other pages, but it doesn't mension it is true false. I have to redirect either one pages based on conditions.Like if it is true it has to go this page, otherwise it has to this page.
Hi All, I have installed Tamcat 5. After installing i started tamcat server and it is sit on desktop as running state(icon). Now i try to open tomcat admin page, so open IE and give http://localhost:8080, but it asked user id and password for XDB. What i have to give?. I gave user id=admin and password=admin(which is i gave on tomcat installation), but it is failed. I couldn't open IE for testing jsp/servlet. What can i do?
Hi Dinesh, Thanks for your reply. Sorry i got 7 usescases(Price Itinerary,Prepare Itinerary,Change Itinerary,Create profile,Log in,Pay of Itinerary and View Frequent Flyer Miles).Business Model contains(Customer, Mileage Account, Itinerary,Segment,Flight, Equipment and Seats). In the Deliverables sections contains the following things. 1.Create a class diagram. It is not necessary to provide each method name and attribute in the class. 2.Create a Component diagram that shows all of the J2EE components used in the system and their interaction. For example, what EJBs, Servlets, and/or JSPs might be needed? 3.Create either a Sequence or Collaboration diagram for each use case provided. 4.Listing of any assumptions made during the process of coming up with the architecture and design. Thanks Advance, S.Saravanan
Today only i download my assignment. It is basically FlyByNight project.It contains lot of folders. One word doc contains every details like (background,requirement,Deliverables,etc.,). It contains one use case and Business domain model diagram. Apart from this diagram shall i going to create seprate usecase?.or shall i going to create class diagram,component diagram and sequence diagram based on this usecase and Business domain model?. My doubt is this usecase and Business domain model are giving more expalanation for me or else?. Based on this usecase,Business domain model and requirement shall start?. I thought i have to create everything based on the requirement only, but after saw the usecase and Business domain model i confused.Can anybody to clarrify me?