sudha swami

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since Apr 24, 2007
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Recent posts by sudha swami


Thank You for your inputs and guidance.

1. I am talking about the oracle trigger based solution. Inside the trigger, if I don't use DBMS_JOB to send an email instead I use UTL_SMTP code directly, will insert transaction gets rolled back when the SMTP server is down? Why?
2.Similar concept to DCN in Java. In one of the threads you were talking about client result cache.
3.I am looking only for inserts in the table since last 15 minutes.

Hi Martin,

Thanks for the reply. I need some clarification for the following:

1.Whenever there is an insert in the table, the trigger gets invoked and sends an email with the new record details. If the SMTP server is down, will insert of the record in the table gets rolledback.
2.Do we have any concept similar to DCN?
3. If we run a scheduler on a table, how do we know whether new record is inserted in table.Email alerts are sent only for the new records.


Thanks for the reply Martin. The information was very helpful and clear. We don't have many inserts in the table.

I needed one clarificaton in the below quote

"Also, the database change notification registration is independent of the connection that created it. It might cease to exist for various reasons, and you won't be notified about it. In one project where we wanted to use it, we had to verify in some intervals it existed and recreate it if it failed. We eventually had to abandon the approach because our tables weren't "mostly read-only" after all. "

How did you verify in the intervals whether its existed or not and recreated it when failed?



If there is any new insert in the table, I can use Oracle trigger to send an email. Do we have similar concept in Java ?
Any thoughts about Oracle Change Notifications with jdbc or any other approach.

Any help is appreciated.

9 years ago

Does Java has any concept similar to trigger in Oracle? Any help is appreciated.


9 years ago

thanks for the reply. Its not a good design practice if you use trigger with UTL_SMTP package because if the SMTP server is down, the entire tranascation will rollback. Is there any alertnative approach?
Any thoughts about Database Change Notification which is introduced in Oracle 11g?


When ever there is an insert of record in the table, I want to generate an email alert? What is the best approach to follow?

Hi Paul,

Thanks for your reply.The requirement is copy a table from one database to another database on daily basis.
I want an efficient way. I will not go with Java. Currently, we have an Oracle 11g database. What are the oracle tools I should use?


I want to copy a table from one oracle database to another using Java (JDBC APIs). The two databases are disconnected from each other (i,e) they do not have any DBlinks pointing to each other.These tables will be having anywhere between 15,000 to 20,000 rows with 15 columns. Can someone specify the most efficient way to do this?


The application is developed in the STRUTS 1.1 framework. I developed a new servlet. At the end of my Servlet, I want to call the method in Struts Action Class.

It invokes the method in the Struts action class. In the Struts method,it performs all the steps. At the end it stops at return (mapping.findForward("list"));

I don't see any errors in my log file.

I am not sure where I am going wrong.

Any help is appreciated.

11 years ago

Do I need to use the latest version of jar files? Remove the older version.

11 years ago
Thank You Bear
11 years ago

I kept the older version of the jar file and the new version in the WEB-INF/lib folder. Is it OK if both the versions are existing in the same folder. I didn't see any problems yet. Will I see any problems in my application because of the 2 versions.

11 years ago

I am using Apache File Upload in Servlet. Long before, I set the classpath and runtime path with commons-fileupload.jar .Now I need to use the same apache file upload for different Servlet. Now I want to use the latest version i.e. commons-fileupload-1.2.2.jar. Do I need to delete the old jar file from the classpath and build path inorder to use the latest one?

Any help is appreciated.

11 years ago

Finally it started working. I had to set this in the response object

Thanks for your help and support

11 years ago