hayden wangg

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since Apr 25, 2007
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Recent posts by hayden wangg

I prefer Jude to draw the UML.
But so far as I know, we could only use it to draw the UML, but could not generate the Sequence-diagram from the code.
Please make sure you're using the correct tld file
HQL could help to resolve this, for example:
select user.name, user.id from user where user.id>100

I'm not sure Criteria could also do this.
how about following:
select p from Parent p left join fetch p.children child where child.status='present'
Could any one please reffer one good open source Auto-Test tools for Swing?
Thanks a lot!
15 years ago
Add try{}catch to the top method and log the exception information.
15 years ago
XMLSPY is one tool dealing with the xml and you could get the free one here:
15 years ago
XMLSPY is one tool dealing with the xml and you could get the free one here:
You could try XMLXpy.
15 years ago
The second parameter in the session.load() and session.get() should be the primary key of the class.
I think this is just the cause you could not search any record.
Is the "email" the PK?
From your code pojo =(RegistrationPojo)session.load(RegistrationPojo.class, email);
I think the email must be the PK, so you needn't check it.
Each time before Hibernate to insert one object, if it found the object's PK is not null, it will take this "insert" as "update" if it finds the exsiting object in the DB.
If you debug into Hibernate's source code, you would find the session.save(registrationPojo) will call the session.saveOrUpdate(registrationPojo);