Nik Arora

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since Apr 26, 2007
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Recent posts by Nik Arora

Originally posted by Nik Arora:
Hi All,

Position: Tech Lead

Skills : Knowledge on Java Programming.Good knowledge of web server Technologies like Tomcat Web services, XML, WSDL.Any RDBMS preferably Oracle Should have good knowledge about OOAD UML, Design Patterns J2EE Excellent team player Ability to adopt and learn Good communication skills Should have a creative mind set.

Experience: 4 to 6 years.

On more clarifications and to send resume mail me at [email protected].

[ February 12, 2008: Message edited by: Nik Arora ]

The above mentioned requirement is urgent.Let me know if anybody are interested.
[ February 18, 2008: Message edited by: Nik Arora ]
16 years ago
Hi Nilesh,
Mail me your clarifications.I have mentioned my email-id in my previous post.

16 years ago
Hi All,
There are openings in my company for the position of software engineer and Tech Lead.I have mentioned the requirements below.

Position : Software Engineer

Skills : Good knowledge on Core Java.Knowledge on OOPS preferable.Good communication skills.

Experience: 1 to 2 years.

Position: Tech Lead

Skills : Knowledge on Java Programming.Good knowledge of web server Technologies like Tomcat Web services, XML, WSDL.Any RDBMS preferably Oracle Should have good knowledge about OOAD UML, Design Patterns J2EE Excellent team player Ability to adopt and learn Good communication skills Should have a creative mind set.

Experience: 4 to 6 years.

On more clarifications and to send resume mail me at [email protected].

[ February 12, 2008: Message edited by: Nik Arora ]
16 years ago
Hi Ulf,
Thanks for the reply.Which will be better using XSLT or using java and SAX api?.Which will be more efficient in terms of execution?.And what are the advantages using XSLT or Java comparing to each other.

[ January 22, 2008: Message edited by: Nik Arora ]
Hi Ulf,
I did not understand these

use of XML APIs and direct generation of HTML markup another one.

Please explain me.

Hi Ulf,
Sorry for all the confusions.I will explain you what i need exactly.Please suggest me.I have lots of xml file. Now i want the data in xml file to be displayed in a well defined table structure and it should be a web page.

I got few suggestions from my friends i have mentioned them below.

1.Convert the XML file to HTML and display it.

2.Use PHP.

So i was confused how to carry it forward.Please let me know on how to carry it forward i am really confused regarding which is the best way to do it.

Hi Ulf,
It's the latter that is converting an XML file into a PHP file.Any suggestions on how to do this ulf?.

Hi Ulf,

Originally posted by Ulf Dittmer:
What does it mean to convert XML to PHP?

It means that converting an xml file into a php file but is it possible because php uses certain php tags to do it.I dont have an idea.Please let me know on this idea.

Hi Ulf,
Thanks for your reply. I wanted a information regarding conversion of XML to HTML and XML to PHP.I have not worked with PHP but want to know which is more useful whether converting XML to HTML or XML to PHP and the efficiency in executing.

Hi Ranchers,
I wanted to know which is the efficient way to convert XML to HTML?.I have downloaded a tool which does this and also i was going through the XSLT tutorial.Please let me know which is the best way to do it.

Hi Diya,
Send me your resume at [email protected].

17 years ago
Thanks guys for the help.

17 years ago