shiva shankar

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since Jun 10, 2001
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Recent posts by shiva shankar

I am trying to understand what happens after the access log is written by the valves. Is there any flushing /buffering that happens. Any code from tomcat would be helpful.

9 years ago
I am trying to understand why I should be use something like <? extends Shape>
For eg if I were to code

Why cant I use just Shape directly

Perhaps I am missing a better example.
Here is what I am looking at. I have a bunch of components and am trying to figure out how many of those components have been used in the code base.
14 years ago
I am planning to write a small static analysis tool. Not really sure where to start. Can someone give pointers ?

14 years ago
Thanks all. I got it resolved by having the mime type set into the response at first line instead of a few lines below.


15 years ago
This will not work. I assume actionPerformed() will be called repeatedly for 3 times since its 3 retries, and you need to maintain the retrycount somewhere. You cannot declare the retry count also as static since there will be many threads calling this method. If that retaining that retryCount logic is solved the other code is very straight forward.

- Shiva

15 years ago
I am trying to export excel in browser

I am setting content type as

This works perfectly in Firefox but in IE it ends up opening in the browser itself as plain text with junk characters. Any suggestions would be helpful


15 years ago
Maneesh - Remote call is not a viable solution for this issue in distributed environment. I guess the quick answer would be you can't.
16 years ago
This doesn't seem possible with the kind of code that you have pasted. When iterating through the UI you probably arent incrementing the counter.
16 years ago
I am not sure how this code will work. It wont go into the loop since you are creating new instance of sanctionOrDeclineWaiverList() just above the loop.
16 years ago
You may need to do sort of 'cls' in console and that will involve JNI call. Here is a related thread, but the logic doesnt seem to work for me
16 years ago
I have a question about the way JVM handles local variables. When there are multiple threads executing on a static method, does each thread have its own stack of variables ? How does JVM handle this ?

Any help ?

16 years ago