alisha chenna

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since May 01, 2007
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Recent posts by alisha chenna

Hi can anyone help me on how to sort columns in a datatable.

Thanks in Advance.
17 years ago
Can anyone help me on how to pass parameters between pages.

Thanks in Advance.
17 years ago

I am new to jsf. I need to populate the values from my first jsf page into the other page when i click the next button. I have tried a couple of things but no luck. Can anybody help me with this.

17 years ago
I have a date field.If i enter the date in any other format other than mm/dd/yy it should display a custom message rather than a standard message. How can i achieve this.

17 years ago
Based on the selection from selectonemenu i have to hide a row. Can anybody tell me how to do that
17 years ago

I am new to java and jsf. In my page i have selectonemenu(list box). When i select a value from a list box like vehicle.It should display fields like vehicleType and vehicleColor. If i select something else from the list box it should hide those fields. Can anyone help me with this.

17 years ago
I have a list box. When i select a value like person in that list box it should display first name, last name and middle name. If some other value from the list box is selected then it should hide firstname, last name and middle and just display name. How can i do this. Can anyone please help me
[ May 08, 2007: Message edited by: Bear Bibeault ]