I tried to find out where you could get the info you wanted and could only come up with this site:
http://www.borland.com/techpubs/jbuilder/print4sku.html Though its just a list of printed books that have what you want. Here's a quick intro on how to use JBuilder 4 (have you had any experience programming in any other IDE ... eg Visual Studio? Visual Basic? have you downloaded JBuilder 4 yet?)
1. Create a new project
(a) Click File > New Project... on the menu
(b) Enter a name for the project ... eg 'Test' , accept defaults for other fields.
(c) Select 'Finish'
2. Adding classes to the project (Here's where you begin to add the classes/code that actually make up the project)
(a) Click File > New Class... on the menu
(b) Enter the package for the new class eg. 'myPackage.myServer' [jbuilder will take care of creating the directory structure and placing the file appropriately]
(c) Enter the name on the new class eg. 'MyNewClass'
(d) Enter the name of the Class which this class inherits from. The default is java.lang.Object, though you can make it an Applet, Frame, JFrame, JApplet ... as you like, though it must be the FULL CLASSNAME.
(e)I usually select all the options.
(f) Click 'OK' to have the java class file create for you.
(g) Repeat this procedure to add other classes as you want.
3. By now you should be able to navigate the files thru the tree in the 'Project' pane and the methods in the 'Structure' listing too [Play around with the menu's under 'View' to modify how the IDE looks like]. Go ahead to add/modify code as you like.
4. To compile your code
(a)Click Project > Make Project 'Test' from the menu.
5. To run the code
The very first time you want to run the code you have to specify the Class that has the main method where the application should start. You specify this by:
(a) Click Project > Project properties...
(b) Select the 'Run' tab, on which you'll see two more tabs (Application and Applet)
(c) Select the 'Application' tab and click on the button with '...' to specify the class.
(d)Type the FULL class in the 'Class Name' textbox or select from the tree.
(e) There are also boxes for VM Parameters (eg. -Djava.rmi.policy) and also for 'Command Line parameters' eg 'db.db' that you might need for later) For now just leave them blank.
(f) Click OK.
6. Finally to run the application. You can do this in 'Debug mode' or in 'Run' mode. Debug mode allows you to set breakpoints and step thru code while monitoring the values, 'Run' doesn't.
(a) Under the 'Run' menu click 'Run Project' or 'Debug Project' for which ever you require.
These are the basic instructions for using the IDE. Once you get comfortable with this I'll show you how to use the more advanced features especially for debugging. I had to learn most of this stuff the hard way!
Hope this helps.
P.S. There's also online help that comes with JBuilder that also includes Tutorials that you might also be interested in looking into.