Has anyone used Spring to configure a Struts 2 validator ?
I'm using Struts 2 XML validation in my project and i need to read some details from my domain model, can i inject the beans into the validator using spring ?
I have an Action class that contains a list of items from the bd.
I also have a JSP page that has a criteria form for searching and the results at the bottom of the page.
When i invoke the search button my action gets called and the list is set in the Action but the jsp does not update the list, only the old list shows with originally loaded values.
The important thing is to document such an assumption, KISS is okay but note that you implement hashcode and equals yourself.
The hashcode might not even use any of your properties.
I'm rounding off my URLyBird assignment but i've noticed that the client just waits forever whenever the server is no longer unavailable. Is there a way to set a time out, after which the proxy throws an appropriate exception ?