Micah Wedemeyer

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since Jun 11, 2001
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Recent posts by Micah Wedemeyer

I found a really nice Java API for distributed processing (called TSpaces by IBM) and I'd like to use it with some Perl code I have. How would I go about interfacing the two?
21 years ago
Thanks. I'll give it a shot!
22 years ago
Is there any way (in Unix/Linux) to increase memory allocated to the JVM? I keep running into an OutOfMemoryError, and I want to try to up available memory.
22 years ago
I've been working on an open-ended project for about 2 years now, and up until this point, I've been the only developer.
I take the specs from my boss and translate them into code. I did my best to document everything I did with JavaDoc comments and such, but sometimes when I'm feeling really creative, I can't take the time to break my train of thought to properly comment.
Now, I've got a new guy coming in who will probably be replacing me when I leave in a few months. What is the best way to bring him up to speed on how things work in the project?
I've tried to modularize things so that he will only have to look at small, independent chunks instead of the entire project, but each chunk is still pretty sizeable.
Any thoughts? Any books been written about this?
22 years ago
Not really. It's long, complicated, and involves input files.
It is not too important since I am not using it for anything long term. I can generate the images one-by-one, then save them to disk for viewing. I just wanted to be able to do it all at once.
Thanks for trying.
22 years ago
I have 256mb of physical ram and a pagefile size of 512.
If I call the JVM with the parameters:
-mx128m -ms128m
then it runs a little more before crashing out, so I know it is a memory leak in there somewhere.
I'm pretty sure it has to do with the creation and destruction of windows.
22 years ago
How can I make sure that my unused Components are being destroyed by the garbage collector? I keep getting an out of memory error after I make a few panels containing a large image. Each time, I overwrite the old panel with the new image. However, I suspect that the old panels are not being garbage collected due to some sort of reference being held by the windowing system.
Any advice?
22 years ago
I hope this is the right category for this, if not, please move it to the right place.
I need to access and modify .dbf files in order to create the necessary information for input to a mapping package called GeoTools. I found a package called xBaseJ that can do it, but it costs money.
Is there anything free that can do what I need? I know nothing about databases or database programming. I just want to be able to make some small modifications on the fly to a .dbf file.
Thanks in advance,
Servers go up and down like pistons in an engine. One day they're up, next day they're down.
In addition, directory structures change, sites get moved, etc. The web changes all the time.
I think hard-coding a URL introduces kind of an ultra-portability issue. Now, all executions of your application depend on the status of a single, particular machine. As far as I know, such central-dependence is totally opposite to what decentralized networks like the web are about.
[ September 05, 2002: Message edited by: Micah Wedemeyer ]
What is the best way to deploy a DTD? It seems as though the most convienent way is to make it available on the web somewhere and hard-code the URL for it into programs requiring it.
However, with the dynamic nature of the web, I dont like the idea of hard-coding URLs. It seems like a recipe for early obsolescence.
Any ideas?
I guess another way would be to make a DOM tree of the entire document and then simply add the nodes representing the new stuff. Is it possible to change the root node of a DOM tree?
I want to take an XML file and turn the entire document into an element and place it in another XML file. Since every XML document has a root node, this should be easy. However, I want to chop off the starting lines:
<? xml blah blah blah>
<!DOCTYPE ....>
and replace them with my own lines. Of course I guess the first line could stay the same, but I want to reference my own DTD, not the one of the original document.
One way would be to chop them off manually, but that seems sloppy. Is there anything in the JAXP API that would allow me to do this? It seems like a LexicalHandler could take care of the DTD part, but I don't know how to get rid of the <? xml ...> part.
P.S. I am really new to XML so please be as specific and explanatory as possible.
I found a really neat looking one at http://www.geotools.org
Has anyone ever used these? They look like exactly what I need.
22 years ago
Does anyone know of a Java package that can display geographical maps, like a world map? I'm working on a project where I would like to display a map colored using epidemiological statistics like rates of infection, mortality rates, etc.
Are there any Java tools that can do this?
22 years ago
How can I maintain immutability of objects when they contain lists that must be made available to clients of the class?
For example, I have a class that has an ArrayList of documents, and it has a method:
<code>public List getDocuments() </code>
Of course, someone can obtain the reference to the list, get an Iterator, and begin removing anything they want. It seems to me as though this violates the public/private interface.
Is there an easy way to prevent this sort of tampering? I could extend ArrayList to disallow add/remove and implement my own Iterator class that refuses the remove option, but this seems like overkill. Is there a better way to do it? Are there any Java books that discuss this?
[ July 22, 2002: Message edited by: Micah Wedemeyer ]
22 years ago