amali grace

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since May 07, 2007
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thanks for your advice friends! i am going to continue preparing for SCJP1.5
Please mail me the required materials for SCJP1.5
what will be the advantage of taking 1.5?
hi friends,

i am planning to write SCJP1.5 . i have read 6 chapters in K&B book.But most of my friends are preferring SCJP1.4 as they feel that is much more easier.They are advicing me to go for 1.4 as 1.5 is very difficult to clear.Moreover people are telling that getting certified is what matters and no one is goin to actually see whether you are SCJP1.4 are SCJP1.5.Is this true? Is it better to go for 1.4 as it is easy to prepare and clear it? please advice me on this