Rohan Dhruva

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since May 08, 2007
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Recent posts by Rohan Dhruva

Thanks a lot
15 years ago
Hi authors,

I had a few questions, regarding the book..

1. Does the book assume you know Java well enough? Or does it teach Java too?
2. Does the book assume that the reader has done mobile development previously?
3. What is the format of the book? Does it assignments and exercises like a text book, or is it more of a "hands-on" format book?
4. Does it use eclipse to teach, or it is independent of IDE?

15 years ago
Congratulations to all the winners
15 years ago
Also, every new activity you create must be added to the android manifest.xml..
15 years ago
Strings in android are normal Java strings - your use of .equals() is quite appropriate, the problem must lie somewhere else.
15 years ago

chetan dhumane wrote:
I have an interesting question ,can we install Embedded linux on any device and then android on it ?

The answer to this question as asked is no, because android is not an application which runs on top of linux. Android provides a complete "ecosystem" - kernel, userspace, applications, APIs, SDK. You can't, for example, install LynxOS on your ABC phone, and then run android on it. Android is not "linux" - it only uses the linux (modified, not pristine) as it's kernel.

That being said, there is also not much to be gained from trying to port over the userspace of Android to a "normal" linux distro.
15 years ago

Pho Tek wrote:I wanted to ask a girl out. She was an iPhone developer. So I started to learn Android to impress her.

I was not that desperate to want to learn Objective-C & iPhone's SDK.



If this isn't a tongue-in-cheek reply, it's one of the most innovative reasons to learn Android ;)
15 years ago
Same here, came to know about the ADC before android itself ;)
15 years ago
Yes, the operating system downloads firmware updates when connected to the net. However, before actually applying it, you are asked for permission.
15 years ago
You can read wikipedia's short article, it may help -
15 years ago
What exactly do you mean by "stand alone"? If you mean a program which runs on any device, there are a few things to keep in mind - use standard APIs, don't make any "assumptions" about the device, and try to use the emulator to emulate the various conditions.
15 years ago
Wow, it's really surprising to see such diverse applications available for Android!
15 years ago
You need to delve into the actual source code of Android to port it to a new platform. Check out the documentation here-

Also, these links might be of interest:
15 years ago

Ed Burnette wrote:
You're not going to get rich any time soon. The Android Market is far younger than, say, the iPhone app store, and the audience is not used to paying for things like iTunes users are. We've all heard the stories of a few people making tens of thousands a day with iPhone apps, and honestly right now on Android nobody is even making hundreds a day. But these are early times, and I believe patience and good work will be rewarded.

Dampener I was hoping to capitalize on Android.. However, thanks for such an honest response
15 years ago
T-Mobile G1 is not officially available in India. However, you can find unlocked G1s on ebay for ~20k. You can also order a Developer Phone (ADP1) officially from Google -
15 years ago