prantik bordoloi

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since Jun 12, 2001
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Recent posts by prantik bordoloi

I am trying to make an Online for an Intranet Project. It is on Apache-Tomcat and MySQL Database. It is such that the questions are storeds as html pages and the paths are assigned in the database table to the question IDs.
Now for each test 10 questions are to be generated randomly and displayed to the user.I have kind of evolved a simple way to do it. but can somebody tell me more about how i can implement it. Any suggestions are most welcome
22 years ago
Can anybody tell me where i can find a JDBC1.0 compliant type4 driver for MS-Access. And Please i want a free driver.
can Somebody help me in making a dial up software in java so that i can connect to the internet and transfer my self to PPP mode.
23 years ago
i am using postgresql driver provided by, though it is type 4 driver it is not supporting JDBC2.x specfication
can somebody please help me in making a connection pool class for postgresql using type 4 driver. if the possible a sample code !!
where can i get some good coding examples of connection pooling in the net ?