Alexander Wu

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since May 13, 2007
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I have an interview for a job in Italy sometime soon. Can you please tell me what an average Java/C programmer makes per year there? (they will ask how much i want, and even if they don't i'd like to know if they're offer is good or if they're taking advantage). Doesn't matter which city/region. Thanks

edit: forgot to add, i have about 1,5 years exp in Java software development.
[ December 11, 2007: Message edited by: Alexander Wu ]
17 years ago
hi all, right now i have to choose from: moving from my current position as a java software developer to a position of C software developer, in the same company, and the second option would be to quit and find another company who hires java developers. while the second option may not be hard to do (there are plenty of companies in my area that hire java developers), the conditions in my current company are excellent (high salary - which i will probably not find on another company, good working conditions overall, nice colleagues).
i have to add the following facts to making a decision: i only have about 1 year experience on java overall and right now i'm not working on any technology in particular, just pure basic java.

i'm not sure what to do. right now i'm thinking that on the long term, if i find a company the works with java web development, i could gain experience in something other than "basic java", but on the other hand, C is still a big strength in programming languages overall (and probably will be for years to come - )

the ultimate decision will be mine of course, but what would you choose if you were me, and why?
17 years ago

Originally posted by vinod awar:
"Life is unfair, better get used to it"

Life is unfair, take advantage of that
17 years ago
hi! well, if you want to stay on .net technology, you should think about the future. i don't know how accurate the information here is, but have a look at the progress of programming languages over the years:
17 years ago
the grass is always greener on the other side, right?
17 years ago
yes they should all be fired. documentation and time tracking is a waste of time
17 years ago

I'll be going to a technical interview at Siemens VDO in a few days, for a Java software developer. I only have 1 year experience in Web developement (Struts, JSF), and I'm still a student, but as far as I know, the hiring procedure at Siemens is consistent so most likely it does not chance over time too much.
I'd like to know what questions could they ask me, maybe from someone who's already been to an interview there, so I can be better prepared.

Thank you.
17 years ago