Mirko Bonasorte

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since May 14, 2007
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Recent posts by Mirko Bonasorte

Well, this is embarassing.... I should have used and NOT .
Thanks anyway
14 years ago
I have a strange problem with JBoss I've created a stateless session bean using annotations: I've annotated the EJB class with @Stateless("aName") and @Local(anInterface.class); the ejb implements the 'anInterface'.
Then, I've created a jboss.xml, like that:

After that, I expected to see 'ejb/anotherName' in the jndiView from jboss jmxConsole: instead, I see:

in the global JNDI space.
Obviously, the jar is inside an ear and jboss.xml is inside the META-INF directory of the jar.
I've also tried to add a (redundant?) ejb-jar.xml, without any result.

Can anybody help me? I'm suspecting not to have understood the meaning of 'jboss.xml'.
14 years ago
and thank you for your response.

The permgen space should be enough (I've set it to an high value).
It seems to be an hibernate problem, which
1. creates some soft references without removing them, so the garbage collector sometimes decides to remove them
2. keeps a lot of java.lang.ResultSet references because of a bug

After solving the two problems, I had no more memory consumption.

Again, thanks a lot for your support.
15 years ago

I've also noticed that I have a lot of small classes referenced by java.lang.ref.Finalizer. Those classes are generated by CGLIB (I'm using Hibernate).

Any idea?
15 years ago

I've got some more details about my problem: a part of (most of) the heap is NOT reachable so it should be eligible for garbage collection; instead, I get OutOfMemoryError .
I supposed it was caused by weak references, but it is not possible, because jvm should release them before throwing OutOfMemoryError.

Any idea?

Thanks in advances
15 years ago

I have a strange behaviour on my application. When I launch my application with -Xmx<MEM>, it seems to use all the <MEM> specified, even if I invoke the garbage collector using jconsole.
I've also tried using jprofiler and heap dump: using jprofiler, I don't see where all the memory is used, even if I have no filter; using the heap dump, I get the file the same size as the eccupied memory, but, when analyzing with jprofiler, I don't see all the allocated variables, but far less data.

I'm using Sun JDK 1.5.

Thanks in advances.
15 years ago

the question is: you see one line on your browser? Or you see one line as html source from your browser?
Moreover, you should try with:

In this case, what do you get?
15 years ago
well, probably you were meaning '\n' and NOT '/n'.
Moreover, do you want to get or

Obviously, as an html page, the output may be different.
15 years ago

I have a problem related to database metadata.
I'm working with Microsoft Sql Server 2005, driver Jtds and I have the following code:

Well, my code simply does not find any row at (1).
But if I replace (2) with null, I get ALL tables, views and so on, BUT my temporary table.
So.... is there any reason why I can't access temporary tables metadata?

Thanks in advances.
thanks for your reply.
Well, in fact I had used that signature, but the application server complained about the wrong signature, as it expected <method>(FacesContext, String, <SomeThing>).
But it complains also if I use <method>(FacesContext, String, Object).

15 years ago

I'm a newbie using jsf and I was trying to use the blueprint sun component.

I wanted to use the autoCompletion component.
According to the documentation, I should use the uri 'http://java.sun.com/blueprints/ui' to use the components.
But if I give a look at the jars included by Sun, I only find a tld with 'http://java.sun.com/blueprints/ui/14' uri.
Well, I've tried simply to use it, but some stuff does not work: in my case, the autoCompletion completionMethod attribute does not work as expected.
In fact, according to the documentation:

completionMethod - Method binding expression which points to a method taking a FacesContext and a prefix String, and returning a String[] which will be displayed as completion results for the given prefix

But I get an error, because it expected a signature like '<methodName>(FaceContext, String, <ABluePrintClassICantRemember>)'
I have tried to add an Object parameter to my method, but I get the same error.

Can anybody explain me what's happening?
The downloaded bpcatalog is bpcatalog-ee5-ea-0.8-installer.jar

15 years ago
Sorry, this is true only for stateless.
consider that a stateful session bean keeps a conversational state with the client, but for a timer the concept of client does not exist.
In the specs paragraph above referred there is right your case
unfortunately, the knowledge of most of the details of that table are the result of a deep knowledge of the specs.
In the perspective of the exam, the best thing is to understand that table, PAYING MUCH ATTENTION to the differences between stateful and stateless session beans.
It's a good way to learn more.