chetan nain

Ranch Hand
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since Jun 21, 2000
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Recent posts by chetan nain

using java, i need to determine if the hard disk is being written to or read from (open/copy) at any time
ie. if in an os like windows, if i create a new file and try to save it to the hard disk, my java program (running perpetually in the background) should pop up a dialog box informing me that data is being written to the hard disk.
this is very urgent. do reply soon

22 years ago
using java, i need to determine if the hard disk is being written to or read from (open/copy) at any time
ie. if in an os like windows, if i create a new file and try to save it to the hard disk, my java program (running perpetually in the background) should pop up a dialog box informing me that data is being written to the hard disk.
this is very urgent. do reply soon

22 years ago
what man,
leaveth all the girl concept behind, for they lie in yonder kingdom, where sense 'prevaileth' NOT
23 years ago
i am wiser now than i shall ever be.
23 years ago
splutter, gurgle...
23 years ago
why...WHY!!?? ask yourself, not realising that in its last birth, the bread was a slick ninja assassin, sent to terminate "shotokan" whip out your samurai sword...and....
23 years ago WHIP out that Peanut Butter Sandwich that you had saved for emergencies just like this ...and with a smooth motion....
23 years ago
not so surprising though.
indian hackers (70 % teens) fight the G-force (pakistani hacker group)
23 years ago
thy words drip wisdom.
23 years ago
my morbid brothers, please check out
live long,
23 years ago
April 23, 2069
at age: 62
Cancer (20%)
Heart Attack (19%)
Alcoholism (18%)
Alien Abduction (10%)
Third Degree Burns (6%)
Homicide (5%)
Horrible Accident (5%)
Contagious Disease (5%)
morbid, eh?
23 years ago
as my layoff date approaches(31/8), i feel an odd sense of perspiration. my eyeballs flicker about wildly straining to estblish a point of reference.
odd feelings of violence take control of my system. getting a life of their own, my hands stalk the surroundings for the nearest oseophagus.
to be concluded......
23 years ago
Hello Everybody,
No offence to anyone:-
Once it so happend in a flight that, James bond was
sitting besides a Telugu guy.. Both were traveling to US..
Telugu Guy : "Hello, May I know ur name please?"
James Bond : "I am Bond.. James Bond."
James Bond: "and you?"
Telugu Guy : "I am Sai...
Venkata Sai...
Siva Venkata Sai...
Laxminarayana Siva Venkata Sai....
Srinivasula Laxminarayana Siva Venkata Sai...
Rajasekhara Srinivasula Laxminarayana Siva Venkata Sai...
Sitaramanjaneyula Rajasekhara Srinivasula Laxminarayana Siva Venkata Sai
Bommiraju Sitaramanjaneyula Rajasekhara Srinivasula Laxminarayana Siva
Venkata Sai.."
and.... James Bond FAINTS.
23 years ago
23 years ago