Steve Snodgrass

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since Jun 12, 2001
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I have been using Weblogic for a while now (Version 4.5-6.1) but will be changing jobs soon and my employer uses Websphere (not sure the version). I wondering if anyone knows of any documentation which describes the specific differences between the two servers. I figure a lot of people have probably gone through this same transition and hopefully someone documented the process.
22 years ago
Thanks for the input!
Andy, I agree that the controller does not make the game. I still use the keyboard to play Quake but I am not the one who has to be convinced. My wife is more familar with the console gaming systems and I wanted to recreate that kind of environment for her.
Gregg, She likes to play games like Mario Brothers which support 2 players without splitting the screen. I imagine there must be plenty of games like that. I would think that most popular console games would be ported to the PC. I think you answered my question though since you said it is possible to use mutliple USB controllers simultaneously. I am not very familar with the USB spec and thought that might create conflicts.
23 years ago
I am trying to convince my wife that the games available for a PC are just as good as those available for a Play Station 2 or the new X-Box. However, I am unable to find any information on how to set up 2 game pads or joysticks on a PC to simulate the console gaming environment. I know there are PC games which allow multiple players but they all either seem to require atleast one of the players to use the keyboard (yuck!) or they require two PC's be networked together. It would seem to me that since many of the game pads and joysticks are USB devices then you should be able to use several of them at the same time right? Would these controllers conflict with one another? Does anyone know of a site or link which would provide information on this topic. There are a million PC game sites but none seem to address this issue.
23 years ago
I just upgraded from WLS61 to WLS61sp1. Since I upgraded I have been unable to unlock a user using the console. The unlock button is still there (Under Security/Users) but it just doesn't have the desired effect any longer. No message is displayed or error placed in the log or anything. It is almost like it is ignored. Has anyone else noticed this?
I posted this on the BEA newsgroups but thus far have been ignored.
23 years ago
I am attempting to have a Stateless Session EJB running on a Weblogic 6.1 managed server call a method on a Stateless Session EJB running on a Weblogic 6.1 Admin server (I know we probably should not run code there but that is a story for another post.) Both beans are deployed in EAR files. The managed EJB EAR contains the remote and home interfaces for the admin EJB in its JAR file.
Everything works fine until an application exception is thrown by the admin EJB at which point I get the following exception on the managed server:
Exception in <method_name> is java.rmi.UnmarshalException: Problem finding error class;
nested exception is:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: S3Exception: This error could indicate that a component was deployed on a cluster member but not other members of that cluster. Make sure that any component deployed on a server that is part of a cluster is also deployed on all other members of that cluster
The class is question (S3Exception) is contained in the managed EJB jar file and therefore should be loaded in the EJB classloader. I have noticed if I place the class in question (S3Exception) in the managed servers system classpath then this problem disappears however that is not an acceptable solution.
Any ideas as to how I fix this would be greatly appreciated.
We use javascript and hidden fields to detect the condition where a page is loaded from the browser cache as opposed to the server. If it is we pop up an alert informing the user that they should hit refresh to get the latest data or unexpected results may occur. Alternatively you could post a form to the servlet upon this condition so it is aware of the situation and handles it.
Our app has never been tested with Netscape so I am not sure if this would work.
23 years ago
I am using Weblogic 6.1 and trying to create a client ejb jar file. If my understanding of the documentation (found at is correct, all that should be required to accomplish this is to add an ejb-client-jar element specifying the desired file name to the ejb-jar.xml before running weblogic.ejbc. I have tried this and it does not seem to be working. It does not return any errors but there are no signs of a file with the name I specified in the xml file. Does anyone know how to go about creating this file using the weblogic.ejbc tool?
Thanks Marcos! You just made my life a lot easier!
23 years ago
I have not been able to find a way to view server log files from the 6.1 console. I have to imagine that this is an oversight and was not purposefully dropped. I found it quite useful? Anybody have any information regarding this?

23 years ago
How about if (aString.length() == 0) or something to that effect?
23 years ago
There are quite a few ways to disable the submit functionality after the user clicks submit once.
1) Instead of using a submit button, use a regular button which calls a javascript function. This function submits the form, or if a flag has been set indicating the form was already submitted, does not submit the form.
2) Actually disabling the submit button is easier. Refer to
for the code.
As for the second part of your question, I posted a possible solution to this problem in some detail a while ago either on this board or on It didn't get much attention which surprised as I too thought this issue would be more widely addressed. If you can find that post (search using my last name... it is pretty distinctive) it will describe a means whereby you can probably accomplish this. I am pretty sure my approach would work if not for the little quirks I stumbled across which could most likely be accounted for quite easily.
Good luck and if you find a good answer please post it.
23 years ago
We use a very similar set of headers to prevent page caching and the interesting thing is that some developers browsers get the "Page has Expired" message while some automatically send a new request (a POST) to re-retrieve the page. Everyone is using either IE 5.0 or IE 5.5 on Windows 95 or NT (though we have proven that the discrepancy is not due to the browser version or OS). I imagine there must be some browser setting which is causing this though I have not had time to track it down.
23 years ago
I have used the javascript approach to disable the submit button in the past with poor results. The problem is that if the user hits the STOP button after submitting the form, they are now in limbo. They can not resubmit the form and will not receive the response to the previous submission. They basically have to close the browser and start over. It also does not prevent the user from hitting the REFRESH button and resubmitting the data.
To avoid the STOP button scenario, we provide a confirmation message when the submit button is clicked while a response is pending. The message tells the user that they have a submission pending and it would be prudent to wait for the response before resubmitting or else they may experience some unexpected results. This helps in situations where users get impatient and start clicking away. If a user really wants to continue they can.
We ofcourse had to then deal with the mutliple submissions in the servlet processing the requests. In our case this amounted to making the method which processes the request synchronized.
I also tried an approach like you mentioned where I only synchronized part of the request processing method. In the non-synchronzied section I tried to create a request queue of sorts so I could circumvent the bulk of the processing for any requests but the last which would obviouslly never receieve a response. I had limited success with this approach. I am not sure if I ran across a bug or what but it appeared to me that the threads for the queued requests were processed in random order and the parameters associated with the
corresponding requests were sometimes null. I performed this test on Weblogic 5.1. Maybe someday if I get a chance I will look into it again with WLS 6.1.
Hope this helps and is atleast partially intelligible.

23 years ago
<% response.setDateHeader("Expires", 0);
response.setHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");
if (request.getProtocol().equals("HTTP/1.1")){
response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
23 years ago
I believe a system exception would be any exception which is not listed in the throws clause of the EJB method.