There are quite a few ways to disable the submit functionality after the user clicks submit once.
1) Instead of using a submit button, use a regular button which calls a javascript function. This function submits the form, or if a flag has been set indicating the form was already submitted, does not submit the form.
2) Actually disabling the submit button is easier. Refer to for the code.
As for the second part of your question, I posted a possible solution to this problem in some detail a while ago either on this board or on It didn't get much attention which surprised as I too thought this issue would be more widely addressed. If you can find that post (search using my last name... it is pretty distinctive) it will describe a means whereby you can probably accomplish this. I am pretty sure my approach would work if not for the little quirks I stumbled across which could most likely be accounted for quite easily.
Good luck and if you find a good answer please post it.