Rajesh Gupta

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since Jun 21, 2000
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Recent posts by Rajesh Gupta

Can you please help me by referring me good books in Advanced java(esp.servlets) which are available in India?
24 years ago
Thanks Bodie for your solution and suggestion.Infact I did just that after posting this question on the site and I also found the answer .Thanks JavaRanch and Bodie for your help.
24 years ago

Dear Friends,
I have been searching for some interface to run dos commands
directly from applet/servelets,
Can any one guide me ? how this can be achieved ?
Navodit Garg
24 years ago
I've 3 years experience satellite comm. and computer networking plus a Sun Java certification but no experience in Java Programming .Do, persons like me fit in your scheme of things?
24 years ago
ditto happened with me!
24 years ago
Yesterday I took the exam and cleared the exam with 81%.I know it is not a great score but considering that I had not even iota of software related knowledge when I started preparing for the exam I consider that I got a fair score.Thanks Maha anna all the moderators and all those who put up such brilliant questions which helped clear my funda's.
My advice to all those preparing for this exam :do as much coding as possible.Because that is the only possible way to understand things and remember them.
This question is from IBM mock exam:
Java Developers can't create their subclasses to Error?
Now my answer to above is yes .But what could be the possible use of that type of subclass? Please answer and correct me if I'm wrong.
Congratulations JP !!! After all the hard work this was the least which you deserved.You have made your friends proud of you .Once again congratulations.
Yes .As far as I have read one cannot tell when is an object going to be garbage collected.But I fail to understand that what is the function of System.gc(),as this method is supposed to invoke garbage collection explicitly but every book worth it's name say's that it's not possible.Can anybody put some light on System.gc().
No, my dear friend the answers given are correct .Because the Math.ciel() function rounds off the value to the next higher integer which in case of -4.4 is -4.
But why it cannot throw checked exception ? Can any body please explain?
Well you don't need to be present there to purchase a voucher. your two pp phptp's would be sufficient along with some information about you like your name etc. ...
Simple! exception is caught outside by the first catch statement outside the try catch block.After that finally block is getting executed.
Only //0 can be inserted //3 cannot be inserted because ;is missing in the statement after i++.Any more suggestions.
This change works:
class super1{
public void amethod(long i){
System.out.println("long value");
class sub extends super1
public void amethod(int i){
System.out.println("int value");
public static void main(String a[])
new sub().amethod(10);
as you can see I've changed argument which can be received by overloaded mathods.I suppose this happens because input to overloaded method is not able to change itself to long type.any more suggestions??