Gabriel Claramunt

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since May 26, 2007
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Recent posts by Gabriel Claramunt

Spark got inspired for  it's API from Scala's collection API that has those methods (filter, map, flatMap, reduce, etc). When invoked in a Scala collection, they run locally, returning a new collection, when using Spark, the methods will be invoked on the RDD API, and will return a transformed RDD that will run in the Spark cluster.
5 years ago
Currently, if the company can't prove that it has a project right now for the H1B, the application gets rejected, making extremely hard for small companies to sponsor H1B visas. I don't think that applying through a consultant would work... save your money.
15 years ago
I was thinking about it, and (at this moment) my career goal would be: "make boatloads of money by solving interesting problems with cool technologies".
15 years ago

aruna sameera wrote:if interviewer ask what are your weakness/Streathens what are the possible answers?

hmm... a weakness: I get mildly peeved by inane interview questions

15 years ago
I've actually had a 2 page resume and was asked for a full one by a recruiter
I have 10 years of experience too and mostly in consulting firms so I have many projects listed.
All the important information is in the first 1 1/2 pages, if they want to know more, they just need to keep reading
It may not have any statistical significance, but I got more responses when I've started to use the long version...
Anyway, I don't think a resume is the most convincing way to show you can do the job.
15 years ago
Thanks for posting the solution!
15 years ago
Clearly depends on the type of organization you're looking for. ThoughtWorks seems to be a "developer centric" consultancy, so I don't think an humorous approach is really that bad. What I would change is focus the letter: try to show what you think you'll bring to the table if they hire you, how you'll help to create better software for their customers. I would prefer to hire a "software passionate" than a "java tragic"
Of course, is a risky proposition and there's a fine line but it can give you an advantage over countless of "Dear Sir/Madam..."
15 years ago
Looks like currying is something different than what you where trying to accomplish.
Currying is simply the transformation of a function with multiple parameters into another function with only one parameter that returns a function of the remaining parameters.
In Scala, if you want to write curried functions, you just separate the parameters with parenthesis.
If the normal(uncurried) function is:

then, the curried version is:

A while ago, I did a blog entry on currying in Scala vs Haskell
15 years ago
I think there's a couple of corner cases where idiomatic Scala runs faster than idiomatic Java.
Particularly when dealing with immutable objects vs mutable ones . Odersky mentioned that in the Scala se-radio episode
15 years ago

Chaminda Amarasinghe wrote:
Hi Venket,

I have heard, I think for twitter CTO, Scala is faster than Java. My question is, if scala runs on JVM, why java cant achieve that fast, which is originally designed to run on JVM?


Do you have the original quote? I don't think he means that Scala runs faster than Java.
From what I saw in different benchmarks, Scala runs as fast as Java or around 20% slower.
What I heard from twitter is Scala gives them higher productivity than Java
15 years ago
What's the focus of the book? Learning Scala? Solving concurrency problems using Scala? How you'll compare it to other Scala books?
15 years ago
I would say:
* Sophisticated type system
* Functional Programming concepts
* Pure OO
* Runs in the JVM (industrial strength GC and JIT optimizations)
* In the CLR too!
* Oriented to embedded DSLs creation
* Lift web framework

Everything you would ask to the next Java and more!
15 years ago
One of the advantages of Scala is the power of having all the high level concurrency constructs in libraries but with the "feel" of being part of the core language.
15 years ago
I'll always found the OSGi concept really powerful, but found the whole framework a little unwielding. Does Spring makes it easier?
What do you recommend to use as the "hello world"?

Thanks and welcome to Javaranch!