Anand Bhatt

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since May 30, 2007
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Recent posts by Anand Bhatt

I have a web application. I want to generate the UI part(basically html/jsp pages) to be generated dynamically using drag and drop of elements.
So is there is any way that I can:
1: Have drag and drop of elements in jsps?
2: How I can create and store back the form attributes dynamically?

Thanks in advance.
10 years ago
I have created one Maven project( having pom.xml at root). I am using Ant to build my whole project. Now my requirement is that I want to compile my Maven project using build.xml.

I have placed below block/target in build.xml but it's not working for me.

Can some one share the correct sysntax to complie the java code: Below is my pom.xml

11 years ago
Can any one please advise me is there is any certification in Struts or Spring framework? If Yes please share the details.
12 years ago
Thanks It resolved now. Included the required jar in runtime.
12 years ago
You need to provide some more information, as what exactly you want to to here.
You can refer link for sample code for consuming webservice: WS with Netbeans
12 years ago
Yes , jaxrpc.jar is in my lib folder which is in my classpath.
12 years ago
Any one having any idea on this please?
12 years ago
I am using Axis1.4 and all the required jars:
"${lib.dir}/axis.jar ${lib.dir}/axis-ant.jar ${lib.dir}/commons-discovery-0.2.jar ${lib.dir}/commons-logging-1.0.4.jar ${lib.dir}/jaxrpc.jar ${lib.dir}/log4j-1.2.8.jar ${lib.dir}/saaj.jar ${lib.dir}/wsdl4j-1.5.1.jar "

are in my classpath. I have generated Websrvice Client and packaged the code as an executable in jar file. Now when I am running like: java -jar <XYZ.jar> I am getting below stact trace:

The jar file required for clas 'javax/xml/rpc/Service' is in my class path(jar file name: jaxrpc.jar). Any suggestion please.
12 years ago
I have wsdl (created using Apache Axis version: 1.3) which I need to consume. I have written one client by using Axis-1.4. While running this standalone client I am getting below error:

Cam any one advise what could be the issue here. Not got any clue even from Axis docs.
12 years ago
Can anyone please share how to call C/C++ executable files from Oracle PL/SQL.

12 years ago
I am writing Testcase for testing Struts2 action class and created one Testclass by extending StrutsSpringTestcase. Any idea how to run this test case in eclipse IDE?

12 years ago
I am using below code in my jsp to download one .xls file

//Java script code responsible for file dowload in sme jsp

But I am getting attached download window if I click the security message Download File control goes back to jsp and file not downloaded.
Please suggest.
Hi Greg,

The issue was with contentType
Instead of response.setContentType("application/zip"); I read some where in Microsoft site and tried below and isssue disappeared:
So it is some what specific for IE and I am still clueless about this issue.
13 years ago
Thanks all for your valuable suggestoions.
I manged to get rid of this issue somehow.
13 years ago