arvind kanna

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since May 31, 2007
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I deployed an application using the wsadmin scripts.After deployment when I start the server I am getting the following error in the startserver.log file

[5/31/07 12:03:21:015 IST] 0000000a AdminTool A ADMU0128I: Starting tool with the AppSrv02 profile
[5/31/07 12:03:21:015 IST] 0000000a AdminTool A ADMU3100I: Reading configuration for server: server1
[5/31/07 12:03:26:921 IST] 0000000a AdminTool A ADMU3200I: Server launched. Waiting for initialization status.
[5/31/07 12:03:38:375 IST] 0000000a AdminTool A ADMU3011E: Server launched but failed initialization. startServer.log, SystemOut.log(or job log in zOS) and other log files under d:\Program Files\ibm\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv02\logs\server1 should contain failure information.
[5/31/07 12:03:38:437 IST] 00000016 WindowsServic 3 inputRec == Service failed to start. startServer return code = -1
[5/31/07 12:03:38:453 IST] 0000000a WindowsServic 1 retCode from childProcess.waitFor() is -1
[5/31/07 12:03:38:453 IST] 0000000a WindowsServic 3 -- interrupt the thread that is collecting stdout
[5/31/07 12:03:38:437 IST] 00000018 WindowsServic 3 inputRec == Starting Service: hdchbsdtdl0040Node02
[5/31/07 12:03:38:453 IST] 00000018 WindowsServic 3 inputRec ==
[5/31/07 12:03:39:453 IST] 0000000a WindowsServic 3 exitCode = -1
[5/31/07 12:03:39:453 IST] 00000014 WindowsServic 3 readAndDisplayServiceLogFile(), caught InterruptedException
[5/31/07 12:03:39:453 IST] 0000000a WindowsServic 3 Service failed to start. startServer return code = -1
[5/31/07 12:03:39:453 IST] 0000000a AdminTool A ADMU7704E: Failed while trying to start the Windows Service associated with server: server1;
probable error executing WASService.exe: Starting Service: hdchbsdtdl0040Node02
Service failed to start. startServer return code = -1
17 years ago