Emmanuel Bakare

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since Jun 13, 2001
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Recent posts by Emmanuel Bakare

Thanks Damien for your help. I was not aware you can use winzip to unjar the file.
I have just unjar the file now.
Thanks oce again.
Emmanuel Bakare
I need Help to un jar the SCJD Assignment.
I have read the java tutorial on this , but I still can't do it . Whenever I typed the command in the command prompt. I get a message " BAD COMMAND". I changed directory to JDK FILE , I still can't do it . I need someone to help me.
Emmanuel Bakare.
I would kindly request that someone(or more) should take me through what I need to do about the data conversion tool.
Emmanuel Bakare
Hi Rick,
Can you please recommend a good text on Design patterns.
Please I need urgent help. I have just downloaded the assignment.
What I got was an executable jar file. I don't know how to open it as I double cliked it, but nothing happened.
Your help is greatly appreciated.
Emmanuel Bakare
Hi Nigel,
I am awaiting my downlaod detail from sun.
I will sure like to be part of this study group. I try to start one my self but no sucess. My E- mail is ecjbakare@aol.com
Hi Rick,
Thanks for your useful reply.
Did you use any IDE for your Assignment? If yes which did you
use. Also how useful are these IDE's for the Assignment purposes.
Emmanuel Bakare.
Hi Udoh , I am indeed very grateful for your patient and detailed explanation. It is very kind of you.
I know that by the time I start to use it, It will not be that hard, expecially with your help.
I started downloading the JBuilder 5 personal(for my SCJD use), which is now free but it takes ages (4 hours) to complete, and worst still my computer crashes in the process.
Thanks again.
Emmanuel Bakare.
Hi Simon,
Sorry I could not explain the question well enough.
My simple question is How do I start a server on my local machine? I am using Microsoft internet Explorer.
Second question(though not related to Servlet or JSP)
Is it possible for me to do a work placement in your company? I am a Sun certified Java Programmer with about 4 years AS400 RPG400, RPGIV ILE Experience but no commercial Java Experience.
Regards Emmanuel Bakare.
(My Email is ecjbakare@aol.com)
23 years ago
Hi Simon ,
I am a beginner in Servlets and I got stuck while trying to
run the clients web page request to the server, I could not get
it to work. I have also downLoaded the Servlet class.
Please help.
Emmanuel Bakare.
23 years ago
Hi Simon ,
I am a beginner in Servlets and I got stuck while trying to
run the clients web page request to the server, I could not get
it to work. I have also downLoaded the Servlet class.
Please help.
Emmanuel Bakare.
23 years ago
Congrats Rick,
About the Documentation , did you use Javadoc? How did you go about it?
Emmanuel Bakare.
Thanks folks for getting back to me promptly about my queries. akanimo Udoh, about the IDE,Do you know whether I can get the details of how to use it? Because sometime ago I got the Student version of the Jbuilder 3.0 , but after looking at it, I did not know how to start using it.

Hi Onyedima,
Paherps we can form a study group on this subject since we live in same area.My e- mail is ecjbakare@aol.com

Hi Onye,
Paherps we can form a study group on this subject since we live in same area.My e- mail is ecjbakare@aol.com
Thanks folks for getting back to me promptly about my queries. Udoh, about the IDE,Do you know whether I can get the details of how to use it? Because sometime ago I got the Student version of the Jbuilder 3.0 , but after looking at it, I did not know how to start using it.