Shivangi Joshi

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since Jun 01, 2007
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Recent posts by Shivangi Joshi

How to get request object in Servlet If I am not using any HTML or JSP page.So in this case How doGet() will understand what is request coming from browser.
14 years ago
Hello Steve,

you can eve try out this because i am not allowed to out the code , so if you can ,try out this . one program having field count which auto increment when say, you click a button (assuming that you got scenario .. like a screen which is having a textfield dispalys current count value and a button . On actionEvent of this button increments the count value.) so if you and one more person trying to use 'same program at same time' ,then both of you will get same number, which is wrong. it should not allow same number .

so i hope you got exact situation.....

hello ,

what i exactly want to say is, if i have an application which have one field which is autoincremented, like as n when user add the record, the number will get incremented automatically.. now my problem is when 2 or more user trying to add record , from different machin. all of them are getting same number by saving the record. so the next process goes on toss.. i want something which will restrict record from saving when such condition occure. synchronization is not work in this case. so what could be its solution. whether a kind of class lock will be my solution. or something else.?

thanks in advance
i am using synchronized object in an application. if i am accessing same application on 2 different machines ,then still that object behave in synchronized way? or its synchronization property is lost?

thanks in advance
I have genearted an application using Servlets in Eclipse.
But when i Copy the Same application in Tomcats Webapps Directory i Am not able to generate the Same output.AS It cannot find the Deployed Servelt Page in the Specified Application....Is there any different procedure for Deploying from Eclipse to Tomcat Server as i Am using two tomcat servers one which is being used with Eclipse (as a part ofExadel Studio plugin)

Moreover How I can make my Application As a default Application(i.e make it the First application can Container should find & Load)
in Tomcat Server.
15 years ago
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii guys,

i am currently working on utility which uses focus listener. my utility works really fantastic on jdk1.3 but when i am running it using jdk1.5 it will fail. is their any difference in implementation of FocusListener for jdk1.3 and it matter of jre??? i am not getting how to proceed.....i am even able to trace out what is the problem........ please help me out.....

thanks in advance......

15 years ago

By extracting jar anyone can get all the class files. Using decompiler we can get the source code of that file.
so is there any way to hide class files
16 years ago
I have executable jar of my we all know anybody can see classes in it possible for me to hide classes in jar from there any solution to do this. also i have searched for .exe file(like converting jar to .exe),but the result was like you will have to use third party software. but i do not want to use any readymade can anybody help me out..

thanks in advance
16 years ago
Hearty Congratulations!
16 years ago
Right now I am preparing for the if you have anything more to which could help me to get best score,please do share.
Shivangi ....
can anybody please tell me what is size of boolean.i have already searched on net,the results are so much confusing,some says 1 bit(as per JVM specification),some says 1 byte, and not applicable,and many please let me know what is correct size of boolean.

thanks in advance

16 years ago
why do we need an explicit call to event if i used any listener interface from awt.event,can i just write import statement like import java.awt.*;? .actually i tried it out already but it throws an is it like that whenever i used event subpackage i need to specify it in import statement like import java.awt.event.*;.and if it is so,why?
16 years ago
Thanks for suggesting me a way,but i have already tried out that one....
i want to know any other fast method,which does not require to create a lots of objects and do the can you suggest something different......
thanks in advance
16 years ago
Hello Peter,
I do not know how to convinced you,but i am genuinely interested to know each and every thing related to java ,even if it basic thing or a so called "tricky" thing..."to be the best in any thing you should know everything "
so please do me a favor and tell me how to retrieve size of object...
as well as one more thing i want to ask is can we set heap size in java,i was trying to do that using command prompt as"java maxheap <size>",i have tried a lot of option like setmaxheap,heapmax and stuff.. but i was not successful. so now i hope you will definitely going to help me.
thanks in advance
16 years ago