shankar reddy

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since Jun 04, 2007
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Recent posts by shankar reddy

Hello Ranchers,

I want to find the difference between two dates which should eliminate weekends . I am using Oracle 10g. Could anybody help me out.
Yes Ben Souther ,That is correct . Ashwin , Now you can replace with , I am sure it will work.
16 years ago
I hope it will work , If you amend Logger without Final , Now check it once. Let me know the status.
16 years ago
Ash .. you are correct , Because the question is incorrect , Every one is saying different answer. The Answer is depends on web.xml file.
Connection polling mechanism will do the task internally, like returning connection back to pool .
You can check the connection status in Tomcat .
Definitely flying to another company will good hike.
16 years ago
Yes , This is very good question from you. I am keen interest to know this answer. If you got answer from any other sources , please post your message.
Yes..... Rest of the code in the doStuff() will available to all the threads. This is the good adavantage of declaring syncronized block ,over declaring method as syncronized. Because , It keeps the entire code in the method in lock mode.
If really don't know the difference , This question is like Basic A , B , C , D...
Dear friend .. Huge of documents are available on net.
16 years ago
Using the connection polling name , you can create the database connection.
You can use datasource to get the connection. If you are not clear refer the document "Getting Jdbc connection using DataSource " in Google Search.
I hope it will work if you add activation.jar file.
16 years ago
I hope it is clear , if you use .. DISTINCT
Yes I agree with you Raj. All we are havnig the same Opinion.
16 years ago