Nathan Paris

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since Jun 21, 2000
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Remember that you dont need to user java.util.Observable to follow the pattern. I would stick with the pattern and just make your own classes. I.e. I would make an interface (Observer) that could be passed in to recieve the updates form the thread.

By creating the listener (Observer) from an interface you will only expose what should be exposed instead of the entire object which will make your designed less coupled. It will also make unit testing a lot easier, because you can create a Mock listener from the listener interface and be able to test without having to rely on the other object as well.
Just some food for thought.
21 years ago
If it doesnt have to trully be docked then no need for JNI. I.e. our app needed to be completely docked as in the icons on the desktop needed to be aware of it, needed to always by on top...basically everything just like the windows task bar.
21 years ago
Withe the JInternalFrames you shouldnt have to use JNI, but should just be able to use the java solutions that we have already discussed. Mine was NOT a JInternalFrame but a JWindow and JFrame and needed to be be able to dock as well as always remain on top much like the Microsoft app bar. This required JNI.
21 years ago
I need to be able to capture all user events. I am using the Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().addAWTEventListener() to register a listener for the events. I am able to get FocusEvents and others, but I never recieve an ActionEvent.
I thought I would recieve one when a user clicked on a button?
Any one know what I am doing wrong?

22 years ago
There are numerous example this in the book. I will let Brian answer any specifics, but I have read through it and encryption as well as the use of properties files are handled in the book as well as in the example code.
22 years ago
J2EE Security (in my mind) is just using the already available java security (JCE, JAAS..) and implementing them on the J2EE side with regard to Servlets, JSP,EJB...
J2EE Security also entails using the already available security that is provided by the container being used such as the <CONFIDENTIAL> attribute that has been mentioned.
The book that Brian is promoting talks in detail about these details. I highly recommend it
22 years ago
That is what I am planning for the Java part, but have very little idea on the JNI part, and was hoping someone had tackled this problem already.
Thanks for the info, and if anyone has more details on the JNI side please let me know!
22 years ago
I need to be able to dock an application, just like the Microsoft Shortcut bar or the Start Menu. It will need to be able to dock on any edge as well as other apps will need to know that the app is docked there.
I found in a thread that someone said JNI would need to be used, but didnt give any more details.
22 years ago
Has anyone succesfully gotten a JFrame to dock? I will need for other applications to know that I am docked there, or vice versa that I can tell if another app is docked.
22 years ago
I might as well just use VJ++ then? I am trying to stay away from Microsoft specific solutions as much as possible.
I am looking into J-Integra which will looks like it takes care of going com2java and java2com.
22 years ago
I am just starting a project that will require me to access COM objects as well as make available some of my Java Objects through COM.
I have started looking at jacoZoom for a 3rd party software to bridge the gap and was wondering if anyone has had any problems or if any one has had good results?
Also they show that accessing COM through Java is fine, buy haven't been able to find if the either way is possible.
Also if someone knows of a better way (besides using JINI directly) let me know.
22 years ago
Thanks. I actually just found it.
23 years ago
Once you recieve a MouseEvent is there a way that you can get the X and Y coordinate relative to the entire screen and not just to the source component?
I have done it by going through all of the Parents of the components until I get the top parent frame and then using its x and y , but want to know if there is a simpeler way.
23 years ago
I have a JList and need to know how to right click on a specific Item in the list. I.e. the list will have some items and a right click would bring up a Menu for that item.
23 years ago
I have created a JTable and would like to know how to capture a selection event. I.e. when the user selects an item in the table I want to be alerted.
23 years ago