Amit Ghorpade

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since Jun 06, 2007
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Rating ; I give this book 7 out of 10 horseshoes.
When we speak of architecture of Java applications, be it desktop or web, we start with the high level specifications, impart service level or functional patterns and move on to the UMLs.
I have rarely seen any design worrying about modules in the system since we take for granted that our design decouples them implicitly.
This book was my first encounter with modules with Java and I was surprised to read the importance of modularity in Java applications.
The first section introduces to the modularity concepts. If you are already familiar with them, you can directly head to patterns in section 2 after taking a brief look at chapter 7.
The section 2 on patterns is divided into types of patterns making it easy for the reader to focus on what exactly he needs.
Most of the base patterns stuff I believe is imparted by the design itself, even if its not given special treatment. Module facade was a totally new thing for me, I always thought facade is meant for some service.
The next section talks of OSGi, which was interesting again because my view of OSGi was that its more into services.
To put it together it is a good book, with real world examples for novice through intermediate readers and a handy reference for experts. One go-through of the book will certainly bring up better designs and add another facet to the application architecture.

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for writing this review on behalf of CodeRanch.
8 years ago
Welcome to Coderanch .

Have you tried installing it already? How far did you go with that?
If you want to add Axis2 plugins only to IBM RAD, then its one thing. Enabling web services in Websphere application server is another.
As far as I know, RAD is built on Eclipse platform. So you should be able to install Axis2 plugins using "Install new software" option.
9 years ago
What do you see in catalina logs?
You can also try using visual VM (jvisualvm) from you Java installation to see how is the Tomcat JVM doing.
9 years ago
You should not be handling OutOfMemory errors. Have you tried increasing the JVM heap memory for Tomcat?
Have you checked the catalina.out logs?
9 years ago

krishnadhar Mellacheruvu wrote:age = age gets me the default values on the declared instance variables....

Not really. age=age assigns the method variable (the passed parameter) the same value it already has. So you are getting the default value of the instance variable because it is not assigned.
Remember local variables "shadow" instance variables with same names. "this" notation tells the compiler to use the instance version of the variable and not the local one.
Read about shadowing.
9 years ago
Hi and welcome to Coderanch

While posting code, make sure to UseCodeTags, it makes code readable and easier to understand.
Now coming to your problem, are you required to mention the bytes in GB, MB and KB or just the nearest unit.
Either case, you should not require the use of Math.pow(). Simply dividing the number by 1024 repeatedly gives you the required unit.
And since you are using division, you are better off using doubles instead of ints.

For example 898745489 bytes is 877681.1416 KB, 857.11049 MB or 0.83702 GB.
9 years ago
I am with Bear, somewhere in between. The paperless office post felt like a flypast with no dive in(s). The Wifi post was kind of absorbing with content-full paragraphs.
For me, the two posts belong to different genre. By that I mean the paperless post got away with short paragraphs as there was nothing much to talk about the headings.
You could come up with another long paragraph version, but the subject matter will be less affected IMO.
However, Wifi post required telling more details on some points so if you come up with a short paragraph version of the same, then either readers won't be able to make much out of it or they will just be OK, not much, I guess.
9 years ago
I would not recommend embedding a servlet inside a JSP. Just get the data in a bean and display it in the JSP.
9 years ago
Firstly, when you post code, make sure to UseCodeTags (<= click and read). It makes your code more readable and understandable to others.
From your code, looks like you are using the default package for your servlet, which is not a recommended practice.
Use proper package for your servlet and mention the same in web.xml.
Then in your servlet, you should not be overriding the service (not servise)method. Instead override and implement the doGet() and doPost() methods.

sajid dayer wrote:war file means?

Your servlet should be part of a war file to be deployed in Tomcat. You can deploy exploded war as well, but I would recommend war files for starters.
This old but mostly valid thread will be a useful read.
Hope this helps
9 years ago

Monica Shiralkar wrote: I think the next step for me is to create a web service client and examine the payload/envelope or do this in SOAPUI.

There you go!!
SOAP-UI is your best bet IMO. You just import the WSDL and create sample requests, see request response headers, test cases and even mock responses.
Generating +writing your own client is also not a biggie, but I would not rely much on my own client for testing purposes.
9 years ago
Hi, welcome to Coderanch .
We have dedicated forums for job related stuff, you might want to check them out. Ranch Office is a forum for this site in particular.
I am moving your thread to Jobs wanted.
9 years ago

I wrote: Payload would be the actual data that goes in the request. Eclipse cannot know that and puts in junk values for generated XMLs.

You send the payload and there is nothing added in the SOAP envelope except the name spaces.
9 years ago
The WSDL you showed has the XML elements which will be coming in the request and response.
Eclipse also shows the visual representation of the WSDL when you open it.
9 years ago